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CV • N. 1 • GIOVEDÌ 3 GENNAIO 2013     •     THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2013 Rita Levi-Montalcini: an inspiring example for Italy and the world Il Presidente della Camera, On. Gianfranco Fini in visita al contingente italiano di UNIFIL L'On. Fini durante la visita al contingente italiano di UNIFIL In May 2008 Rita Levi-Montalcini became the longest-lived Nobel Prizewinner, surpassing Tadeus Reichstein, who died at the age of 99 years DATED MATERIAL - DO NOT DELAY ROmE - Rita Levi-montalcini, the Italian Nobel Prize winning biologist died on Sunday, December 30 in her home in Rome at the age of 103. at the time of her death, Levimontalcini was the oldest living Nobel laureate. She was an "inspiring" example for Italy and the world. The entire country as well as the international academic community paid their last respects to the Italian scientist who was buried in Turin. Italy's so-called "Lady Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini in her lab of the Cells," a Jew who lived through anti-Semitic discrimination and the Nazi invasion, became one of the world's leading scientists and shared the Nobel medicine prize in 1986 with american biochemist Stanley Cohen for their discovery of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the peripheral nervous system. She was born in Turin on april 22, 1909 and obtained a summa cum laude degree in medicine and surgery from the city university in 1936, despite her father's objection to women studying. Two of her university colleagues and close friends were Salvador Luria and Renato Dulbecco, who were later to receive the Nobel prizes in physiology and medicine, respectively. Continued to page 15 A look back at 2012, one of Italy's most challenging years In May 2012, two major earthquakes occurred in Northern Italy, causing 26 deaths and widespread damage 2012 has come to an end. many will hope for the next year to be better than the one that is just closing its doors. many have been the factors that have had an impact characterizing 2012 in Italy. most than everything else this will be the year of the economic troubles. Italy, along with Europe, has suffered one of the most serious economic crisis of the last decades. austerity has pulled the trigger to push many families to hardly meet the end of the month. Unfortunately bad news did not end up with the bad economy. Continued to page 15 Shama - Il Presidente della Camera Onorevole Gianfranco Fini, accompagnato dal comandante del Comando Operativo di vertice Interforze (COI), il Generale di Corpo d'armata marco Bertolini, è giunto oggi in Libano in visita al contingente nazionale. ad accoglierlo all'aeroporto internazionale di Beirut S.E. l'ambasciatore Giuseppe morabito. Di seguito la visita si è sviluppata presso la base militare italiana di Shama dove il Generale di Brigata antonio Bettelli, comandante del Settore Ovest di UNIFIL, su base brigata aeromobile "Friuli", ha accolto il Presidente della Camera che ha incontrato e salutato i caschi blu del contingente militare nazionale, formulando gli auguri e ringraziando anche le famiglie che dall'Italia sostengono i militari schierati oltremare con un comprensibile e duro sacrificio. Di seguito l'On. Fini nel corso dell'incontro con gli uomini e le donne del contingente nazionale, ha espresso parole di stima ed apprezzamento per l'opera svolta dai caschi blu della "Friuli" tesa all'assolvimento del mandato contenuto dalla risoluzione 1701 del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. L'Italia contribuisce alla missione UNIFIL con circa 1100 soldati e fornisce 4 elicotteri per il supporto aereo. Complessivamente la missione si compone di circa 12000 Peacekeepers provenienti da 37 differenti Nazioni, al comando del Generale di Divisione Paolo Serra.

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