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THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2021 www.italoamericano.org L'Italo-Americano 2 "Made in Italy: a story rooted in a deep culture of beauty, unique- ness and harmony, combined with t h e i n g e n u i t y a n d v i s i o n t h a t , throughout the centuries, helped Italy innovate in all arts and indu- stries. Part of our Made in Italy's history of excellence and innova- tion is written daily by the people of nautical industry." This is what Lamberto Tacoli, former presi- dent of Nautica Italiana (which later became part of Confindustria Nautica), said just a handful oof months before the first, dramatic Covid-19 lockdown in Italy. In his message, he reaffir- med the opportunity to join forces and achieve a well- deserved international positioning in the yachting sector. The Global Order Book 2020, a ranking of super yachts's (over 24 meters boats) international market Nautical industry: an Italian excellence that can overcome the storm From the Editor trends, has been the first to shine a light on Italy's fore- front position. The ranking is based on actual orders and is published annually by Boat International. The Italian shipbuilding industry beats other top constructors, such as Turkey and the Netherlands, with 268 super yachts made in 2019, over a worldwide number of 621. The just- published edition of Monitor, Confindustria Nautica's mid-year statistical report, estimates that the 2020 clo- sing forecasts are aligned with 2019's results, with mild reductions only in the nautical tourism segment: a profit of 4.8 billion euro (5.7 billion USD), just like there was no storm in between. This is the picture of a strong, well-established sector. Actually, earlier data had shown a similar pattern, with an increase in the value of our production of 78.5% when compared to 2010, and a consolidated positive trend from 2012 onwards. Italy's production of inboard units had a turnover of about 2 billion euro in 2018 (around 2.4 billion USD), which made the super yacht production segment a true protagonist. Italian sales had experienced large increases, too, especially since 2014, with a growth in 2018 60% higher than 2010 data. Export was following the same trend, recounting a growth of 101.4% when compared to 2010, thus more than doubling its revenue. Italy was the second global exporter after the USA which, according to Fondazione Edison, topped the charts with 23.9% of watercraft exports, for a total revenue of 476 million USD. We are talking, then, about a trend established in the years, sign of a fast growing sector. Now, the pandemic caused a halt in everything, and this sector has been suffering, too, because of the diffi- culties derived from international travel's restrictions, but not as much as others. However, data help us under- stand the magnitude and importance of the sector itself, just like when, during the summer, we see a marina filled with yachts and can guess how many tourists we'll meet while strolling on the prom in the evening. Nautical industry is an Italian excellence and boasts, like most part of our Made in Italy, the double gift of craftsmanship and innovation, that is, high technology on one hand and attention to detail on the other: the very characteristics that make us famous and internationally competitive. There is an Italian event, very famous worldwide, where all this is made clear: the Salone Nautico di Genova, a sort of thermometer able to tell us how the market is doing. Official registrations for the Salone, w h i c h i s t a k i n g p l a c e f r o m t h e 1 6 t h t o t h e 2 1 s t o f September, opened on the 12th of March and, in this context, the words of I Saloni Nautici's CEO Carla Demaria are all the more interesting: "These next few months are still going to be quite peculiar, but both nau- tical market trends and the results achieved in 2020 confirm the strength and reliability of our project… the market awaits this event, which has proven very useful for the industry." The Salone di Genova is, therefore, a solid and indispensable reference for this part of the Made in Italy, and a primary strategic instrument for the whole sector. Numbers confirm it: last October, imme- diately after the event, contracts increased of 21%. At this stage, it's interesting to note the mood of this nautical year, because businesses seem to be even more confident than they were in 2020: more than two out of three watercraft companies estimate a growing profit. Could it be the sign of a wider scale ripartenza? Simone Schiavinato, Editor NEWS & FEATURES TOP STORIES PEOPLE EVENTS Member of FUSIE (Federazione Unitaria Stampa Italiana all'Estero), COGITO L'Italo-Americano 610 West Foothill Blvd. Unit D, Monrovia, CA 91016 - Tel.: (626) 359-7715 PLEASE SEND CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 6528, ALTADENA, CA 91003 www.italoamericano.org L'Italo-Americano Newspaper (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization), www.italoamericano.org, is the largest and longest-running Italian newspaper in America, not to mention the cultural and news resource for all things Italian in the US. A bilingual newspaper which represents an historical landmark for the Italian American Communities in the West Coast and throughout the US. L'Italo-Americano benefits from subsidies by the Italian Government, Memberships and Donations intended to support and not interrupt a mission that began in 1908 to preserve and promote the Italian language and culture in the USA Periodicals postage paid at Monrovia, California 91016, and additional mailing offices. PUBLISHER Robert Barbera Grande Ufficiale EDITOR IN CHIEF Simone Schiavinato ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Patrick Abbate EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Barbara Minafra COPY EDITOR Francesca Bezzone LOS ANGELES CONTRIBUTOR Silvia Giudici SAN FRANCISCO CONTRIBUTORS Catherine Accardi Serena Perfetto SEATTLE CONTRIBUTOR Rita Cipalla CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mariella Radaelli, Francesca Bezzone, Luca Ferrari, Stefano Carnevali, Joel Mack, Paula Reynolds, Nicoletta Curradi, GenerosoD'Agnese, Fabrizio Del Bimbo, Maria Gloria, Alfonso Guerriero Jr., Anthony Di Renzo Serena Perfetto, Kenneth Scambray, Chiara D'Alessio © 2020 L'Italo-Americano Membership: One year $59 - Single copy $2.25 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to L'Italo Americano PO Box 6528 Altadena, CA 91003 Mail form and check to L'Italo-Americano, P.O.BOX 6528, ALTADENA, CA 91003

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