In Cerca di
Una Nuova Vita
Italian Immigration from Italy
to California
So Be It In Peace
A Retrospective from
Our Permanent Collection
Each show is a reprise of an original exhibit created by the Museo Italo
Americano and sponsored by the E. L. Wiegand Foundation of Reno, Nevada
Museo Italo Americano is proud to celebrate Italian Heritage Month
with the reprise of two online exhibits:
Originally exhibited at the Museo in 2009
and at Arte Italia in Reno, Nevada in 2010,
this show documents the experience of
California's Italian immigrants who left
their country for the promise of a better
life, while highlighting their struggle,
determination, creativity, and ultimately,
the cultural and economic contributions
they have made to the development of
the Golden State.
Photo credits: www.sfmuseo.org
This exhibit features a selection of
lithographs, sculptures, sketches, and
works on paper by Beniamino Bufano
originally showcased at Arte Italia in
Reno, Nevada in 2015. Bufano was
one of San Francisco's most colorful
characters and renowned artists. A
lifelong pacifist, he was deeply inspired
by Saint Francis of Assisi – to him, the
embodiment of world peace.
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for updates on our future reopening!