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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 2023 22 L'Italo-Americano W i t h t h e introduc- tion of the C a m m i - n o d e i Cappuccini ENIT, the Ital- ian National Tourist Board, aims to do more than just offer a spiritual journey: it seeks to breathe new life into Italy's hinterland, specifically the Marche region, which is often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors like Tuscany and Umbria. Despite being a treasure trove of his- torical landmarks, stunning landscapes, and having a rich cultural heritage, le Marche remains underexplored, mak- ing it an ideal candidate for r e v i t a l i z a t i o n t h r o u g h tourism. It is in this context that its deep-rooted Franciscan his- tory becomes key, because the Franciscan Order, par- ticularly the Cappuccini branch, had a profound influ- ence on the region's culture and spirituality. Originating in the early 16th century, the C a p p u c c i n i o r d e r w a s a reform movement within the larger Franciscan order, aim- ing to return to the original ideals of St. Francis of Assisi. Matteo da Bascio, an Italian friar, initiated this reform, a n d i t w a s i n t h e M a r c h e region that he found fertile ground for his ideas. In fact, le Marche had a pivotal role in the development of spiritu- ality in Italy, as it was here that key figures like Ludovico and Raffaele Tenaglia con- tributed to the Franciscan reform. Towns like Fossom- brone and Camerino, true epicenters of spiritual and intellectual activity, became pivotal locations where the Cappuccini order took shape. By focusing on the cultur- al, spiritual, and historical connotations of the region, ENIT aims to attract tourists who are not just seeking a spiritual experience but are also interested in delving deeper into local heritage. Tourism, we all know it, can be a significant economic dri- ver, and the Cammino dei Cappuccini is a prime exam- ple of how spiritual tourism can be leveraged for econom- ic benefits: the route has b e e n d e s i g n e d t o p a s s through smaller towns and villages, thereby directing interest to areas and busi- nesses that might otherwise be overlooked. From hotels and bed-and-breakfast to local eateries and artisanal shops, the economic poten- tial for the towns and villages touched by the itinerary is huge, as stated also by ENIT. F o r t h e s e r e a s o n s , t h e Cammino dei Cappuccini can be considered a journey with a double-fold aim: one spiri- tual and cultural, one socio- economic. On one hand, it provides a meaningful spiri- tual journey for pilgrims, on the other, it injects life into the local economy, creating jobs and opportunities for the residents, and ENIT's role in this endeavor goes beyond mere promotion. In fact, the agency got directly involved in meticulous plan- ning to ensure that the pil- grimage is not just spiritually fulfilling but also sustainable and beneficial for the local community. L e t ' s s e e s o m e d e t a i l s about the itinerary: the Cam- mino spans approximately 380 km and is divided into 17 distinct stages; the starting p o i n t , F o s s o m b r o n e , i s a town steeped in history, par- ticularly relevant to the Fran- c i s c a n o r d e r , a s i t w a s i n places like Fossombrone that the Cappuccini reform found its early supporters, making it a fitting starting point for a pilgrimage that celebrates Franciscan spirituality. As pilgrims make their way through the 17 stages, they traverse a landscape rich in history and spirituality, with each stage representing a chapter in the Franciscan narrative, and offering pil- g r i m s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o immerse themselves in the spirituality and culture of the r e g i o n . F o r e x a m p l e , t h e stage that passes through Loreto is significant for the Sanctuary of the Holy House, one of the most revered Mar- i a n s h r i n e s i n t h e w o r l d . Loreto has been a pilgrimage destination since at least the 14th century and holds a spe- cial place in Franciscan histo- ry. The culmination of the journey in Ascoli is symbolic in many ways. Ascoli is both the end of a physical journey and the conclusion of a spiri- tual and historical explo- ration. The town itself is a microcosm of the wealth of influences that have shaped the Marche region and, by extension, the Franciscan order. Its historical architec- t u r e , i n c l u d i n g t h e Romanesque-style Ascoli C a t h e d r a l , s e r v e s a s a n architectural representation of the layers of history the region has witnessed. But other, more peculiar and curious reasons make the Cammino dei Cappuccini worth walking: unlike other tourist experiences, that may be more commercialized, this pilgrimage offers a genuine o p p o r t u n i t y f o r p e r s o n a l interaction. Pilgrims have the chance to engage with monks in the hosting convents along the route, adding a layer of p e r s o n a l e x p e r i e n c e t h a t transcends mere sightseeing. This interaction allows for a d e e p e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f Franciscan spirituality, while giving a more intimate con- nection with the history and culture of the region. Clearly, planning a pil- grimage of this scale is no s m a l l f e a t , a n d E N I T h a s taken meticulous steps to ensure that the experience is not just spiritually enriching but also sustainable. This is why the organization made a point of collaborating with local authorities to preserve the natural and cultural envi- ronment, making sustain- ability a cornerstone of the C a m m i n o d e i C a p p u c c i n i experience. Every aspect of t h e p i l g r i m a g e , f r o m t h e route planning to the ameni- ties provided, has been care- fully considered. Waste man- agement systems have been put in place to minimize the environmental impact, and crowd control measures are implemented to ensure that the pilgrimage does not over- whelm the local communi- ties. F a r f r o m b e i n g a m e r e touristic itinerary, the Cam- mino dei Cappuccini is a liv- i n g h i s t o r y l e s s o n . E a c h stage, from Fossombrone to Ascoli, is a touchpoint for understanding the broader context of Franciscan spiritu- ality and its historical evolu- tion in Le Marche, as well as in Italy. Pilgrims do more t h a n w a l k i n g h e r e , t h e y engage in the active explo- ration of a spiritual tradition that has been centuries in the making. Above, a Capucin monk walks in meditation (Anna Nass/Shutterstock) and, below, a view of the Basilica of the Holy House, in Loreto, which is part of the Cammino (Photo: Davide Romanini/Dreamstime) ALL AROUND ITALY TRAVEL TIPS DESTINATIONS PEOPLE ACTIVITIES Discovering the spirituality of Le Marche with the Cammino dei Cappuccini FRANCESCA BEZZONE