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www.italoamericano.org 8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2024 L'Italo-Americano T renitalia, Italy's s t a t e r a i l w a y o p e r a t o r , announced plans t o l a u n c h n e w tourist-focused train routes in 2024, which are part of a b r o a d e r i n i t i a t i v e t o p r o m o t e s u s t a i n a b l e tourism and to encourage visitors to explore beyond the major Italian cities and well-known tourist destina- tions. This move comes in r e s p o n s e t o t h e g r o w i n g issues of over-tourism in popular places like Rome and Venice and aims to sup- port local economies in less- er-visited areas. The new t r a i n s e r v i c e s , k n o w n a s T r e n i T u r i s t i c i I t a l i a n i (Italian Tourist Trains) will feature luxury trains, reconditioned vintage locomotives, and regional services. T h e L u s s o ( L u x u r y ) Services will be operated by t h e O r i e n t E x p r e s s L a Dolce Vita fleet, which fea- tures deluxe cabins and fine- dining restaurants. These trains will travel across 14 Italian regions and occasion- ally cross national borders to cities like Paris, Istanbul, or S p l i t i n C r o a t i a . A b o a r d the Orient Express La Dolce Vita, which has been already operative for a while, we can expect Italian sophistication and glamour, thanks to its 12 Deluxe cabins, 18 Suite cab- ins, and a special La Dolce Vita Suite, all boasting ele- gant decor, with amenities like private bathrooms, dou- ble beds, and a design that reflects the Italian art of liv- ing. The culinary experience on board is a highlight, too, with a dining car that serves innovative Italian cuisine prepared by renowned chefs and sommeliers. Guests can indulge in a "Grand Tour of Italy" breakfast in their cab- ins, enjoy Afternoon Tea, and partake in the Le Grand Soir d i n n e r , e a c h o f f e r i n g a unique taste of Italy's gastro- nomic excellence. The Orient Express La Dolce Vita's itin- eraries have been created to provide an immersive travel experience, showcase Italy's diverse landscapes, and offer romantic and adventurous journeys through Europe, too. The adventure begins for all at Roma Termini station, where the Orient Express Executive Lounge offers a convivial and elegant space for travelers to relax before their departure. Very impor- t a n t l y , L u s s o S e r v i c e s emphasize sustainability and support the s l o w - t r a v e l movement. With their restored, late 2 0 t h c e n t u r y m o d e l s , the Espresso (Express) Services trains will feed our nostalgia while bringing us around Italy. These trains will connect major cities like Rome and Milan to popular seaside or mountain destina- tions. A beautiful example of w h a t w e c a n e x p e c t i s t h e E s p r e s s o C a d o r e , which connects Rome to the ski town of Cortina d'Am- pezzo in the Dolomite Alps. This overnight route, named after the Cadore region, links Roma Termini station to the Calalzo-Pieve Cadore-Corti- na station near the ski town, known for its breathtaking beauty. The journey takes about 9.5 hours, making it a p e r f e c t w e e k e n d g e t a w a y option, operating from Rome every Friday evening and r e t u r n i n g o n S u n d a y evening. Espresso Cadore's a c c o m m o d a t i o n s i n c l u d e various options such as sin- gle cabins, double cabins, and berths accommodating two to six people. Comfort is a priority, with breakfast included for all travelers and dinner provided for those in single or double cabins. The train also has a dining car serving dinner until 10:30 PM and a bar that remains open throughout the journey. To make the trip more com- fortable there is also a dedi- cated luggage car for over- sized items like skis, bikes, and other equipment, so that traveling can become a relax- i n g p a r t o f t h e w e e k e n d b r e a k , w i t h o u t h a v i n g t o worry about cumbersome luggage. T h e E s p r e s s o S e r v i c e s also have a cousin, the Treni Storici, which focus on her- itage and nostalgia in rail travel. Treni Storici are all about vintage carriages and old routes to offer unique experiences through scenic a n d h i s t o r i c a l i t i n e r a r i e s across Italy. The service aims t o c o n n e c t t r a v e l e r s w i t h Italy's rich cultural past and b e a u t i f u l l a n d s c a p e s , enhancing the experience by combining journey and des- tination. It's a way to redis- cover Italy's diverse regions through the lens of history and tradition, which makes these trains an attractive option for those seeking an a u t h e n t i c a n d i m m e r s i v e travel experience. T h e n , w e h a v e the Omnibus Regional S e r v i c e s , s l o w e r , m o r e affordable trains focusing on exploring lesser-known areas and their natural landscapes: they are designed for tourists interested in experiencing scenic villages and the Italian countryside's rich history, food, and wine traditions. Affordable and accessible to all, the Omnibus Regional Services, just like all Treni T u r i s t i c i I t a l i a n i , a i m t o e n c o u r a g e s u s t a i n a b l e tourism by allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the cultural and natural beauty of various Italian regions, enhancing the overall tourist experience by making the journey an integral part of the holiday . All great news for tourists so, but also for the destina- tions served by these trains, if it's true that - as a study commissioned by FS fore- casts - for every €1 spent on the h i s t o r i c - t o u r i s t t r a i n s , between €1.50 and €3 will be spent in the visited destina- tions. A much-needed boost f o r t h e e c o n o m y o f m a n y small villages, and for that of the country as a whole. Lastly, we shouldn't forget that 2024 has been designat- ed by La Farnesina as the year of Root Tourism in Italy, and, in this context, Trenitalia's initiative appears to be particularly significant. These trains, with their spe- cial routes and their connec- tion with slow tourism, will not only bring us from point A to point B but will also lead us on a journey into heritage, connecting people to their roots in a meaningful way. By traveling through less-vis- ited regions, they will allow individuals to get to know smaller villages and hamlets, lesser-known provinces and towns, where so many Ital- ians from abroad have their roots. This is a meaningful approach, that both enriches the personal experience of those seeking to connect with their heritage and bolsters local economies and commu- nities. That's why, in many ways, the Trenitalia initiative may end up serving a dual purpose: it will contribute to the sustainable development of Italy's rural areas but also support many personal jour- neys of rediscovery. A train arrives at the station of Riomaggiore, in Liguria (Photo: Audrius Venclova/Dreamstime) In 2024, come and discover Italy by train! CHIARA D'ALESSIO LIFE PEOPLE PLACES EVENTS

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