

Since 1908 the n.1 source of all things Italian featuring Italian news, culture, business and travel

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CXVI• N. 9 • THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 • GIOVEDÌ 2 MAGGIO 2024 FACEBOOK.COM/ITALOAMERICANONEWSPAPER italoamericano.org $ 2.25 DATED MATERIAL - DO NOT DELAY Founded in 1908 Published by L'Italo American Foundation The #1 source for all things Italian since 1908 P.O.BOX 6528, ALTADENA, CA 91003 - Tel: 626-359-7715 . . .. . .. . . . . . LOS ANGELES The sweet legacy of Pastiglie Leone Page 30 TRADITIONS Page 20 LA BUONA TAVOLA MADE IN ITALY Strawberries, a world of of sweetness in the kitchen Page 22 GUGLIELMO MARCONI AT 150: A LEGACY OF CONNECTION AND INNOVATION PG. 10 LIFE & PEOPLE THE MAP OF IMOLA BY LEONARDO DA VINCI PG.32 CULTURE The story behind Italy's ceramic rooster pitchers CERDA, THE TOWN OF TARGA FLORIO & ARTICHOKES PG. 12 TRAVEL Archaeological scientist Monica Ganio Page 26 L'Italo Americano Photos courtesy of Joe Vitone

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