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THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 10 L'Italo-Americano LIFE PEOPLE REVIEWS ADVICE TRADITIONS N obel Laureate in Physics and father of long- distance radio t r a n s m i s s i o n Guglielmo Marconi, was born on April 25, 1874, in Bologna. Italy began celebrat- ing his 150th birthday last week. There is no need to explain why Marconi is important for the history of Italy and the world: his pioneering work laid the foundation for modern wireless communica- tion and transformed the way people exchanged informa- tion, breaking the constraints of distance and permanently changing media, warfare, and social interactions. It was 1895 when Marconi achieved the unimaginable by successfully transmitting sig- nals over a distance without the need for wires. Before then, no one thought it possi- ble. H i s e a r l y e x p e r i m e n t s , which included sending a sig- nal over the hills of Bologna, would later scale to transat- lantic communications that proved pivotal during critical times such as the Titanic dis- aster. His lifetime achieve- ments set the stage for all modern radio, television, and satellite communications, a l e g a c y t h a t c l e a r l y stretches far beyond the mere invention of the radio. But as we mark the 150th anniver- sary of his birth, it is important to remember him not just as a sci- e n t i s t b u t a s a v i s i o n a r y w h o i m a g i n e d t h e existence of a "global village" long before it became a reality. C e l e b r a t i o n s f o r t h i s important birthday started l a s t w e e k , o n t h e 2 5 t h o f April, with a special Mass at the Basilica of San Petro- nio in Bologna, led by Cardi- nal Matteo Zuppi. Following t h e M a s s , t h e f e s t i v i t i e s moved to Villa Griffone in Sasso Marconi, where Mar- coni conducted his initial experiments: here, an exten- sive exhibition that includes his original equipment along- side contemporary digital communications technology was unveiled. The exhibition a l s o f e a t u r e s i n t e r a c t i v e installations that allow visi- tors to engage with the prin- ciples of radio transmission through hands-on activities. I n R o m e , t h e headquarters o f R a d i o Rai cel- ebrated Marconi's birthday with a special broadcast that included historical insights, expert discussions on his technological contributions, and anecdotes from his life: the show brought together historians, scientists, and technologists who discussed the lasting impact of Mar- coni's inventions on today's world of communication. T h e s e c e l e b r a t i o n s , though, should not be seen only as a tribute to Marconi's scientific achievements but also as a reflection of the social and cultural transfor- m a t i o n s h i s w o r k s e t i n motion, including the wire- less revolution we've all been living through. In a rare and invaluable perspective, we can s t i l l h e a r f i r s t - h a n d accounts of how Guglielmo Marconi was through the voice of his daughter, Elet- tra Marconi, born in 1930. In a recent conversation with Davide Re from L'Avvenire, Elettra provided intimate reflections that shed light not only on Marconi as a scientist but also as a father. Elettra described him as a visionary who viewed technology as a means to serve humanity, a n d e m p h a s i z e d h i s d e e p moral commitment to ensur- ing that his inventions would enhance, rather than compli- cate, human life: "My father was driven by the goal to save humanity, not to overwhelm it," she explained to Re, "He w a s w a r y o f t e c h n o l o g y ' s potential to be misused." She also fondly recalled her child- hood interactions with him, describing him as affection- ate and intellectually engag- i n g : " E v e n a s a c h i l d , h e t r e a t e d m e w i t h r e s p e c t , a l w a y s e n c o u r a g i n g m y curiosity and responding to my questions thoughtfully," Elettra shared, painting a more intimate, human por- trait of the great scien- t i s t . H e r w o r d s , o f course, speak volumes a b o u t h e r f a t h e r ' s monumental contri- butions to science but also urge us to consid- er how we use these t e c h n o l o g i e s t o d a y . They are a reminder of the ethical dimensions of technological use, a lesson that her father had foreseen, it appears, d e c a d e s a n d decades ago. But let us go back to cele- brations, because what took place last week was just the beginning of a series of ongoing and f u t u r e e v e n t s t h a t a i m t o honor Marconi's legacy in several different ways. Over the triennium 2024-2026, numerous initiatives have been planned, reflecting the breadth of Marconi's influ- ence on modern communica- tion technologies, with a key highlight being the issuance o f a c o m m e m o r a t i v e stamp by Poste Italiane, a tangible symbol of Marconi's lasting impact. Significant investments are also being made in infra- structure that commemo- rates Marconi's work: Villa G r i f f o n e , t h e s i t e o f h i s groundbreaking experiments and already the seat of a sci- ence exhibit space, is set to receive extensive renova- tions, with funds earmarked to transform it into a state- of-the-art museum, which will not only serve as a trib- ute to Marconi but also as a center for science education, expected to draw internation- al attention and stimulate local tourism. Collaborative efforts with various cultural and technological institu- tions, including the National M u s e u m o f S c i e n c e a n d Technology in Milan and the Leonardo Civilization Foun- d a t i o n , a r e u n d e r w a y t o develop exhibitions and edu- cational programs. Marconi's legacy will also be celebrated through innov- ative media projects: the Ital- ian broadcasting company RAI plans to air a miniseries a b o u t M a r c o n i ' s l i f e a n d work, starring actors such as Stefano Accorsi and Nicolas Maupas. Moreover, historic video footage of Marconi is going to be restored and pre- sented in modern multi- media formats, bring- ing together history and cutting-edge tech- n o l o g y t o r e a c h a broader audience. As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of Marconi's birth, we are reminded of the pro- f o u n d i n f l u e n c e h i s work continues to have o n o u r d a i l y l i v e s . Through global com- m e m o r a t i o n s a n d ongoing projects dedicated to his legacy, Marconi's spirit of innovation and commitment to improving human commu- nication persist. And if we think about Marconi's contri- butions, we see a legacy that is as relevant today as it was a century ago, a legacy that connects people, cultures, and technologies across the world. CHIARA D'ALESSIO G u g l i e l m o M a r c o n i a t 1 5 0 : a l e g a c y o f connection and innovation

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