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THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 24 L'Italo-Americano L a k e G a r d a i s a stunning destina- tion known for its c r y s t a l - c l e a r w a t e r s , l o v e l y t o w n s , a n d b r e a t h t a k i n g landscapes. Situated between t h e r e g i o n s o f L o m b a r d y , Veneto, and Trentino-Alto Adige, it is Italy's largest lake and attracts visitors from around the world. Its shores are dotted with picturesque villages, vineyards, and olive groves, creating an incredible landscape with the Alps just around the corner. One of the most beautiful, but perhaps lesser-known, features in this region is the S t r a d a d e l l a F o r r a , a scenic road in the province of Brescia. It connects the vil- lage of Pieve di Tremosine, a member of the "Most Beauti- ful Villages of Italy" club, to the lakeside area of Porto. T h e n e a r e s t m a j o r c i t y i s Verona, approximately 53 miles to the southeast, mak- ing it an accessible day trip for those exploring the Vene- t o r e g i o n . M i l a n , a n o t h e r major city, is about 100 miles to the west, providing an easy connection for international travelers. L a S t r a d a d e l l a F o r r a , a l s o k n o w n a s S P 3 8 , i s among Italy's most scenic r o u t e s a n d h a s f e w r i v a l s around Lake Garda: truly breathtaking, it ascends the mountainside with hairpin b e n d s , o f f e r i n g p e r p e t u a l views of the lake, so it doesn't surprise that it was even used a s t h e s e t t i n g f o r a h i g h - octane chase scene in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace! Its history is also quite compelling. Named after the gorge formed by the Brasa s t r e a m , t h e r o a d w a s t h e brainchild of Arturo Cozza- glio, a self-taught engineer and hydrologist. His ambi- tious vision gained the sup- port of two influential fig- ures, Don Giacomo Zanini, the parish priest of Vesio, and Don Michele Miles, a municipal councilor. Togeth- er, they persuaded Count Vincenzo Bettoni, a deputy at the time, to champion the project. Bettoni secured the b a c k i n g o f G i u s e p p e Zanardelli, the head of the government, which led to a law ensuring that the gov- ernment would finance half o f t h e p r o j e c t , w i t h t h e r e m a i n d e r f u n d e d b y t h e province and municipality. C o n s t r u c t i o n b e g a n i n 1 9 0 8 a n d t o o k o v e r f o u r years, employing specialized workers, particularly miners from Serle. The road was i n a u g u r a t e d o n M a y 1 8 , 1913, with a grand celebra- tion and a speech by Mayor Domenico Milesi. His words are famously etched in local h i s t o r y a n d l o r e : " T o d a y T r e m o s i n e c e l e b r a t e s i t s greatest event. Today it sees its wishes fulfilled, and the isolation that it has been condemned to for so many centuries removed. Tremo- sine today is united with the civilized world." Indeed, the road had a transformative impact on the village as it brought prosper- ity and tourism to the area. A c o r r e s p o n d e n t f r o m t h e Frankfurter Zeitung once called it "the most beautiful road in the world," and its fame soon extended beyond l o c a l a c c l a i m . I t s p i c - turesque beauty and chal- lenging curves have made it a favorite for filmmakers and advertisers: besides Quan- t u m o f S o l a c e , i t h a s appeared in The Internation- al and numerous European car commercials for brands like BMW, Mercedes, Fer- rari, and Seat. It has also been the backdrop for music v i d e o s a n d T V p r o g r a m s , making it all the more iconic. But what makes the Stra- da della Forra so special is, perhaps, how differently it can be experienced. Driving a car or motorcycle pro- vides a thrilling way to navi- gate its twists and turns, just as if you were in a movie chase—but please, always respect the speed limit. For a more leisurely adventure, traveling by camper is an option, provided the vehicle height does not exceed ten feet. Keep in mind that, if you travel with your own means of transport, it is best to take your trip when the road operates as a one-way route uphill to avoid conges- tion. A l t e r n a t i v e l y , y o u c a n enjoy your journey along the Strada by bus, as there are regular shuttle services con- necting Campione to Pieve during summer. If this is y o u r c h o i c e , y o u c a n g e t d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n a n d schedules from the Pro Loco of Tremosine once you are there or on the Strada's web- site. B u t t h e m o s t i n t i m a t e , and perhaps charming, way of enjoying the Strada della Forra is by foot: starting f r o m P i e v e , h i k e r s c a n descend the old, steep Porto trail, surrounded by natural a n d m a n - m a d e w o n d e r s along the way. Be aware that the initial descent is chal- lenging and not for those w i t h v e r t i g o , b u t t h e panoramic views and serene beauty of the gorge make it w o r t h w h i l e . C y c l i n g enthusiasts can also appre- ciate the road, whether on a traditional bike, mountain bike, or e-bike, with rental and charging stations avail- able in Tremosine sul Garda. It's quite a climb, but the fresh air and amazing views make it entirely worth it. T h e r e a r e i m p o r t a n t updates to keep in mind if you are planning to travel to the area soon. The Strada d e l l a F o r r a i s c u r r e n t l y closed from the intersection with Gardesana to Km 3 near t h e M a d o n n i n a d u e t o a landslide that took place on D e c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 2 3 . T h e r o a d r e m a i n s o p e n f o r descent up to Km 3, but visi- tors should check the official w e b s i t e ( w w w . s t r a d a d e l - laforra.com) for the latest information before planning their trip. It's easy to see how the Strada della Forra, through time and thanks to what it meant for locals, became a symbol of human persever- ance and constructive and respectful cohabitation with nature. Whether you drive, cycle, walk, or take a scenic bus ride, this road is truly unforgettable. FRANCESCA BEZZONE La Strada della Forra, the eighth wonder of the world The Strada della Forra at sunrise. Photo: Stefano Termanini/Shutterstock ALL AROUND ITALY TRAVEL TIPS DESTINATIONS ACTIVITIES The road is known for the amazing vistas it offers. Photo: Stefano Termanini/ Shutterstock

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