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THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 32 L'Italo-Americano navigation capabilities, celes- tial navigation, charting, and planning, so much so that some instructors at the Naval A c a d e m y i n A n n a p o l i s , Maryland, are from the Ital- ian Navy. Is the mission exclu- sively military? Our mission has multiple my in Annapolis, Maryland, and we will take them with us to Hawaii to introduce them to the reality of the Ital- ian Navy. It will be a unique opportunity for professional growth and exchange. What are the strengths of the Italian Navy? Some of our strengths are objectives: naval Diplomacy to strengthen relations with allied and partner countries, training by participating in t w o o f t h e w o r l d ' s m o s t important exercises, RIM- PAC 2024 and Pacific Drag- on, maintaining a naval pres- e n c e i n t h e I n d o - P a c i f i c region, and promoting Ital- ian excellence. In addition to this, however, we also sup- port scientific and civilian projects. On board, we have two researchers from the Higher Institute of Health, with which the Italian Navy has implemented a partner- ship project called SeaCare. D u r i n g v o y a g e s i n t h e o c e a n s , R e d S e a , a n d Mediterranean Sea, they will sample data that will allow studying and comparing the chemical and physical para- meters of our seas, with par- ticular reference to the pres- ence of microplastics and chemical contaminants. This is the final conti- nental stop before head- ing to Hawaii, where you will participate in RIM- PAC, one of the world's largest naval exercises. What is it about? R I M P A C , t o b e h e l d i n w a t e r s o f f H a w a i i , i s t h e world's largest biennial inter- national naval exercise orga- nized by the US Navy with the collaboration of partici- pating countries' navies. The goal of participating in this exercise, a first for an Italian Navy ship, is to support and strengthen cooperation and interoperability with allied and partner navies, conduct- ing activities such as mer- chant traffic control, naviga- t i o n s a f e t y , a n d counter-piracy and counter- terrorism. At the end of the activity, Montecuccoli will p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e P a c i f i c Dragon exercise, a unique opportunity to enhance oper- ational capabilities in Inte- g r a t e d A i r a n d M i s s i l e D e f e n s e ( I A M D ) , b e f o r e rejoining the Italian Carrier Strike Group composed of N a v e C a v o u r a n d N a v e Alpino, maintaining a naval presence in the Indo-Pacific region, before returning to La Spezia in November. What kind of relation- s h i p d o e s t h e I t a l i a n Navy have with the US Navy? There is a relationship of c o l l a b o r a t i o n , m u t u a l respect, and interoperability with the US Navy. Today, we will embark four midship- men from the Naval Acade- offshore patrolling, presence and surveillance activities, merchant traffic control, as well as anti-terrorism, anti- piracy, and humanitarian assistance operations in case of natural disasters. What is a typical day at sea like? A typical day aboard naval m i l i t a r y s h i p s c a n v a r y d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t y p e o f ship and ongoing mission. However, there are regular activities such as watch shifts where crew members alter- nate on three watch shifts to ensure ship operations 24 hours a day. Regular drills are conducted to keep the crew prepared for any even- tuality, and lectures are peri- o d i c a l l y a d m i n i s t e r e d t o ensure everyone is aware and prepared on all aspects relat- ed to activities and naviga- tion. There is also free time aboard that can be dedicated to sports, study, or other per- sonal activities. Meal times are included in free time, usually consisting of four m e a l s a d a y : b r e a k f a s t , lunch, dinner, and "midnight pizza," a tradition envied by m a n y n a v i e s a r o u n d t h e world where trays of pizza are baked every night for the team working the night shift. What are the charac- teristics of Italian tech- nology? This is a 100% made-in- Italy ship. From onboard technology, to the hull, to propulsion systems, every- thing is made by national industries and with technolo- gies that are currently among the most advanced in the world. An innovative aspect of the PPA is the naval cock- pit concept, a technological element derived from avia- tion that allows ship conduct and aero naval operations from an integrated station managed by only two opera- tors. The dynamic propul- sion systems, together with the characteristic "rostro" bow shape, allow high-speed performance while signifi- cantly reducing consump- tion. "Montecuccoli's motto is Centum Oculi, Latin for 'a hundred eyes.' It refers to the remarkable qualities of Commander Montecuccoli himself, and to his keen tactical situational awareness" CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 LOS ANGELES ITALIAN COMMUNITY The Montecuccoli motto and, above left, Lieutenant Farina (Photos: Silvia Nittoli)

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