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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 10 L'Italo-Americano I f you're under 35 and looking for an incredi- b l e t r i p w i t h o u t spending a fortune, t h e C a m m i n o Minerario di Santa Bar- bara (CMSB) is the perfect destination. The Cammino spans 500 km, divided into 30 stages with an average of 16 km per stage. The full trail is well-marked and can be completed independently, with downloadable tracks available on the CMSB web- site. Additionally, a free app c a l l e d C a m m i n o d i S a n t a Barbara is available to guide participants along the trail. The CMSB credential not only allows access to the trail but a l s o o f f e r s d i s c o u n t s o n accommodations and tele- phone assistance from the Foundation. Recently, the CMSB has presented a new promotional initiative, Leg's Go in Cam- mino, which wants to intro- d u c e y o u n g p e o p l e t o t h e b e a u t y o f t h e C a m m i n o Minerario di Santa Barbara region. The program, which has been running since Octo- ber 2023, is taking a break for the summer months, but will be available again on Septem- ber 15, 2024, and will run until the end of the year. Par- ticipants must be under 35 and hold a CMSB credential, which costs €5.00 (just above 5 USD). By donating through the CMSB website, partici- pants can receive up to three vouchers for free overnight stays in affiliated accommo- dations. It is a truly unique experience, designed to pro- vide an affordable yet enrich- ing travel opportunity for younger people and let them discover the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Sar- dinia year-round. The CMSB offers a variety of itineraries, each taking travelers through different scenic and historical routes. There is plenty of choice, with itineraries involving one-, two-, or three-night stays. One-night itineraries The first one-night itiner- ary proposed begins in Igle- sias and leads to Masua, guiding participants through the heart of Iglesias to the Mediterranean maquis and the coastline, with a breath- taking view of the Pan di Zucchero. This journey is ideal for those who love the Sardinian sea and its iconic landscapes. Another fascinating route starts from the mysterious c a v e s o f S u M a n n a u , winding through a mining village and descending into Europe's longest cave drive- w a y , e v e n t u a l l y r e a c h i n g M u s e i . T h i s i t i n e r a r y , steeped in nature and histo- ry, can leave travelers breath- less with its beauty and com- plexity. For those interested in the hinterlands, the route from Is Zuddas to Candi- ani presents an enchanting journey from rocky caves to a serene seafront pine forest, passing through vineyards, ponds, and dunes. The Villacidro to Are- n a s i t i n e r a r y i n t r o d u c e s adventurers to Sardinia's forests, mountains, water- falls, and wildlife: don't be surprised if you spot wild boars and deer during your trek! This route is perfect for those who are not afraid to ford rivers and enjoy nature in its wildest form. The Por- tixeddu to Montevecchio route, on the other hand, features a German-style cas- tle in a mining village and the stunning Piscinas waterfall, combining the charm of the sea and mines. L a s t b u t n o t l e a s t , t h e Sant'Antioco to Nuraxi Figus itinerary offers anoth- er remarkable experience, allowing travelers to explore the island of Sant'Antioco, a d m i r e f l a m i n g o s i n t h e lagoon, and visit the mines in Carbonia, including an excit- ing underground descent. Two-nights itineraries For those looking for a slightly longer adventure, the CMSB also offers two-night proposals. One such route from Masua to Piscinas takes travelers from the min- ing site of Masua, through Buggerru, known as Little Paris, to the wild, deserted beaches of the west coast. This journey is perfect for adventure lovers seeking a mix of history and untouched nature. Another two-night option starts at Portixeddu, guiding walkers on a pleasant beach stroll to Piscinas and to the nearby mining villages to discover columnar basalts. The Tratalias to Nuraxi F i g u s r o u t e c o m b i n e s medieval villages, nature, and mines, offering a varied and enriching experience; then, for those wishing to c o m p l e t e l y u n p l u g a n d i m m e r s e t h e m s e l v e s i n nature, the Su Mannau to Orbai route takes travelers through mountains, forests, and caves, far from civiliza- tion. Similarly, the Iglesias t o B u g g e r r u r o u t e r u n s through Sulcis' famous coast and is perfect for extreme selfies and spectacular sun- sets over the water. Three-nights itiner- aries T h e C M S B a l s o o f f e r s three-night proposals, such as the journey from Por- toscuso to Masua: Starting from Portoscuso, famous for tuna fishing, this route pass- es through a nuraghe and along the mining coast, offer- ing a blend of historical and natural sights. Another three- n i g h t o p t i o n b e g i n s i n Masua and ends in Mon- tevecchio and includes vis- its to Porto Flavia, stun- n i n g v i e w s o f B u g g e r r u , deserted beaches, and the i n c r e d i b l e M o n t e v e c c h i o m i n e . T h e r o u t e f r o m Tratalias to Portoscuso is another unforgettable trip, starting from a medieval vil- lage and ending at the sea, f e a t u r i n g s a l t m i n e s a n d diverse landscapes. Accommodation Participants can stay in p o s a d a s m a n a g e d b y t h e CMSB Foundation or other affiliated and private accom- modations. The posadas, available only to pilgrims with a credential, provide a basic breakfast, bed linens, and towels. However, travel- ers should be prepared to s l e e p i n d o r m i t o r i e s a n d share bathrooms with other hikers. The Leg's Go in Cam- mino initiative is designed to be inclusive, allowing chil- dren under 5 to stay for free in posadas; however, the CMSB advises careful consid- eration due to the trail's chal- lenging nature. Participants should book their accommo- dations well in advance as reservations are non-refund- able and non-modifiable. If you want to trek with your four-legged best friend, you should inquire about private accommodations, as posadas do not accept pets. The Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara offers an incredible opportunity for young adventurers to explore S a r d i n i a ' s d i v e r s e l a n d - scapes, from coastal paths and caves to mountains and medieval villages. With well- p l a n n e d i t i n e r a r i e s , f r e e accommodations through the promotional initiative, and extensive support from the CMSB Foundation, it is an a d v e n t u r e t h a t p r o m i s e s unforgettable experiences and lasting memories. FRANCESCA BEZZONE Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara: an unforgettable adventure ALL AROUND ITALY TRAVEL TIPS DESTINATIONS ACTIVITIES Beautiful Porto Flavia can be reached with the itineraries of Leg's Go in Cammino (Photo: Wirestock/Dreamstime) and, bottom right, the magic of looking at the sea from the top of a mountain (Photo: ValerioMei/Shutterstock)

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