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THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 12 L'Italo-Americano A re the medieval jousts or tour- n a m e n t s t h a t t a k e p l a c e i n much of Sicily, as well as in other regions of Italy, a symptom of a hidden nostalgia for certain medieval customs? Certainly not. To recall and reintroduce, in modernized forms, the jousts o r g a n i z e d b y k n i g h t s a n d nobles of the Middle Ages and later, does not imply nos- talgia for them. These events are now part of a completely different experience, to cus- toms entirely unrelated to the principles that accompanied those distant times. Today, they have become events of entertainment and commem- o r a t i o n — n o t t o f o r g e t — because they are enjoyable a n d b e c a u s e w e a r e m o r e connected to our past than one might believe in an era w h e r e i t m i g h t s e e m t h a t some values have been lost. When knights, nobles, and even kings organized tourna- ments, they followed inces- sant training as these events s i m u l a t e d a c t s o f w a r . I n short, they kept themselves prepared for the time when peace would give way to new wars. And in those centuries, there were indeed many. Today, however, we talk about one of the most impor- tant and fascinating jousts, also notable for its preceding h i s t o r y : t h e o n e h e l d i n G e r a c i S i c u l o , i n t h e province of Palermo, known as the Ventimiglia Joust. This small town, located in the Madonie Park, will host the event from August 2 to 4 this year, dedicated to one of the most important noble houses and their county. This family, which settled in the Madonie territory in the 13th century through the marriage of Arrigo (Enrico) Ventimiglia to Isabella, the Norman Countess of Geraci (an important Madonie com- mune), quickly became so powerful that they adminis- tered justice without external interventions and minted their own coins. Over the cen- turies, they became so influ- ential that they formed mari- tal ties with various royal families and were subjects of envy due to their achieved e c o n o m i c a n d p o l i t i c a l power. In an attempt to elim- inate their power, in the 14th century, they were accused of allying with the Angevins. However, in 1440, Giovanni I Ventimiglia obtained the title of Marquis of Geraci, which then became the first mar- quisate of Sicily, and in 1595, Giovanni III became Prince of Castelbuono. n memory of this noble house, which brought the Madonie and the towns with- in its territory to the center of the Kingdom's politics, the V e n t i m i g l i a J o u s t i n Geraci Siculo and the Arruc- cata di li Vintimiglia in Castelbuono are organized. During the festivities, joyful events of the court such as baptisms, engagements, mar- riages, and others are re- enacted. The knightly games follow, with participation from more than thirty towns from the former County of Madonie and partly from the Nebrodi. Among these towns are Gangi, Collesano, Petralia S o t t a n a a n d P e t r a l i a Soprana, Polizzi, Pollina, S p e r l i n g a , T r o i n a , T u s a , Leonforte, Gratteri, Modica, Delia, Mussomeli, Cefalù, Castellana Sicula, Castel- buono, and others. The event has become an unmissable t r a d i t i o n a l f e s t i v a l f o r tourists who participate every year, both as protagonists and spectators. This year, around thirty knights have registered their horses for the Joust, which is organized by the municipality of Geraci S i c u l o , t h e P r o L o c o , t h e Association of the Knights of the County, and other associ- a t i o n s . T h e i r i n t e n t i s t o r e s t o r e t h e e v e n t t o t h e splendor of bygone times, which still holds a certain charm today. The event took place over three days in the archaeologi- cal area of the Ventimiglia Castle, where U conti cuman- na (the Count commands) was also be held. This re- enactment path recreated the ancient crafts performed at the court of Federico Ven- timiglia, presented through a historical-theatrical perfor- mance. No joust would be complete without flag bear- ers, and here they are known as "Rione Panzera." This was followed by the welcome of the mayors, the municipali- ties, and the knights of the Ventimiglia County. After- wards, in Piazza del Popolo, t h e r e w a s t h e o a t h o f t h e Knights of the County and, finally, the blessing of the horses that were to partici- pate in the games. Medieval animation resumed, followed by the departure of the his- t o r i c a l p r o c e s s i o n . U p o n reaching the dressage field, the knights' joust and the re- enactment of the 14th-centu- ry knightly games began. In short, it was a delightful dive into the past that mes- merized the entire audience, who came not only from the participating towns but also from nearby areas, from the rest of Sicily, and even from other countries. Geraci Siculo, a town in the Madonie Park area, is also part of the Borghi più Belli d'Italia and has been awarded the Comune Fior- ito quality mark. Its urban layout dates back to the Mid- dle Ages, and the inhabitants are largely engaged in agri- c u l t u r e a n d p a s t o r a l i s m . However, the main economic activity is the collection and bottling of the excellent water from the springs of its moun- tains. Other festivals take place throughout the year, including the one dedicated to Saint Bartholomew and Saint James, known as the Festival of Thanksgiving. In the 8th century BC, the island was colonized by the Greeks, who took an interest in the Geraci territory shortly after 550 BC, naming it Jerax (Iέραξ), meaning vulture, as the rock was inhabited by these predatory birds. The area later came under Roman and then Byzantine control, as did the entire Madonie region. In 840 AD, it was conquered by the Saracens, who expanded and fortified the existing castle. When the Muslims settled in Sicily, they divided the island into three provinces: Val Demone, Val di Noto, and Val di Maz- zara. Geraci, which belonged to the first province, main- tained its faith and coexisted peacefully with the Muslims. It also came under Norman rule, with Roger I granting the fiefdom to his nephew Richard Serlo II d'Altavilla. The Swabians brought the Altavilla family, whose histo- ry I have already recounted. Over time, the County con- tinued to expand and simul- taneously experienced the succession of foreign powers while managing to maintain a certain degree of indepen- dence. The Ventimiglia fami- ly, who constantly worked for the good of the County that bears their name, continue to do so today. Geraci Siculo also boasts a library established around 1866, which preserves a sub- stantial collection of ancient and modern books. Thanks to a donation, it houses a pre- cious printed volume of Fred- erick II of Swabia's treatise on falconry, the only one existing in Sicily and dated 1 5 9 5 : R e l i q u a F r i d e r i c i Imperatori De Arte Venandi Cum Avibus. Even today, fal- conry is practiced in some parts of the Madonie. TERESA DI FRESCO LIFE PEOPLE PLACES HERITAGE A corner of Middle Ages in Sicily: the Giostra dei Ventimiglia in Geraci A moment of the parade during the Joust's celebrations and, bottom right, 21st century knights ready to compete

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