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THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 28 L'Italo-Americano LIFE PEOPLE PLACES HERITAGE TRADITIONS S i t u a t e d o n t h e eastern slopes of t h e A p e n n i n e M o u n t a i n s a n d along the Adriatic c o a s t , t h e r e g i o n o f L e M a r c h e is known for its beautiful hilly landscape. But despite its rich cultural and scenic beauty, Le Marche remains below the Italian average in terms of popula- tion, area, and density, with about 1.48 million inhabi- t a n t s s p r e a d o v e r 3 , 7 4 3 square miles and a density of just over 150 inhabitants per square kilometer, compared to the national average of 195. The cultural and natural wealth of this little region is, however, well-recognized, w i t h n u m e r o u s c h a r m i n g t o w n s a n d r e n o w n e d a r t cities dotting its green hills. Notably, Le Marche holds the record for the highest n u m b e r o f v i l l a g e s l i s t e d among Italy's Borghi più Belli d'Italia (31), a dis- tinction shared with neigh- boring Umbria. Here is some interesting trivia about Le Marche you m a y u s e a s a d i s c u s s i o n starter during your next din- n e r p a r t y . T o m a k e i t o n theme, make sure to serve olive all'Ascolana with your spritz! It's all in the name T h e f i r s t c u r i o s i t y t o u n r a v e l a b o u t L e M a r c h e relates to its name, which is p l u r a l , a t r u e a n o m a l y among Italy's twenty regions. T h e n a m e " M a r c h e " h a s ancient linguistic and histori- cal origins, as it comes from t h e o l d G e r m a n i c w o r d "mark," which referred to borderlands during the early d a y s o f t h e H o l y R o m a n Empire. These frontier terri- tories in central Italy, which included, among others, the Marca di Fano, Marca di C a m e r i n o , a n d M a r c a d i Ancona, were governed by noble marquises appointed by the emperor and, when they were eventually unified for administrative purposes, they retained the plural form of the name. Today, Marche is the only Italian region with a plural name. Le Marche is home to "Italy's Grand Canyon"... Located within the stun- ning Sibillini Mountains of central Italy, the Lame Rosse (which translates as "red blades") is often called the "Grand Canyon" of the M a r c h e r e g i o n a n d I t a l y . This extraordinary geological wonder is situated near Lake F i a s t r a , n o t f a r f r o m t h e homonymous town of Fias- tra. The Lame Rosse features a unique landscape of strik- ing red rock formations, pin- n a c l e s , a n d t o w e r s t h a t resemble scenes from classic Western films; they are com- posed of sandstone and clay, s c u l p t e d o v e r m i l l i o n s o f years by natural forces such as wind and water erosion. Their distinctive red color comes from the presence of iron oxide within the sand- stone, which creates a mes- merizing visual effect, all the more striking against the l u s h g r e e n e r y o f t h e s u r - rounding area. If you visit Lame Rosse and like hiking, you can fol- low a scenic route starting at Lake Fiastra: the trail, which is a 4.35-mile round trip, takes you through a mix of unpaved roads and beaten paths surrounded by holm oaks. The journey, which i n v o l v e s s o m e m o d e r a t e climbs, rewards hikers with breathtaking views of the rock formations and the pic- turesque landscape of the Sibillini Mountains. Along t h e w a y , y o u m a y a l s o encounter a variety of flora a n d f a u n a , i n c l u d i n g Mediterranean shrubs, wild- flowers, birds of prey, and small mammals, all thriving in this unique habitat. ...narrowest alley ... In the town of Ripatran- sone , in the Province of Ascoli Piceno, you'll find a p r e t t y u n i q u e f e a t u r e : Italy's narrowest alley. K n o w n a s t h e V i c o l o p i ù stretto d'Italia, it measures j u s t 1 7 i n c h e s w i d e a t i t s entrance and narrows to an impressive 15 inches at its tightest point, making it a true challenge to navigate through . This remarkable alleyway meets specific criteria to be o f f i c i a l l y r e c o g n i z e d a s a vicolo in Italy: it is paved, walkable, and features at least one door or window opening onto it. Despite its narrowness, the alley serves as a functional part of the urban landscape, connecting two streets in the town . Ripatransone's tiny walk- way has become a popular tourist attraction, drawing v i s i t o r s i n t r i g u e d b y i t s record-holding dimensions. The curious record sparked friendly competition with other Italian towns aiming to claim the title for themselves, but Ripatransone proudly retains its distinction , at least for the moment! For those interested in visiting, the town offers a lot more than its record-holding passageway. Its medieval a r c h i t e c t u r e , c h a r m i n g streets, and rich cultural her- itage, makes it a great desti- nation to visit if you are trav- eling through the region. ... and a very famous castle T h e C a s t e l l o d i G r a d a r a , l o c a t e d i n t h e Pesaro and Urbino province, is renowned for its connec- tion to the tragic love story of P a o l o a n d F r a n c e s c a , famously immortalized by D a n t e A l i g h i e r i i n h i s Divine Comedy among the l u s t f u l , a s t h e y c o u l d n ' t resist, in life, the power of p a s s i o n . T h e m e d i e v a l fortress, with its 2,625 feet of solid walls, its well-preserved architecture, and historical significance is a must-visit if you are in the area and love Dantean lore. H e r e ' s t h e s t o r y t h a t inspired Dante… Francesca da Polenta was married to the unattractive Giovanni (Gianciotto) Malat- esta for political alliance pur- poses. However, she fell in love with his younger, more handsome brother, Paolo. Their illicit affair, discovered b y G i a n c i o t t o d u e t o t h e meddling of a spy, ended in t r a g e d y w h e n h e c a u g h t t h e m t o g e t h e r a n d k i l l e d them both. This story is said to have unfolded within the walls of Gradara Castle. Today, the castle is a pop- u l a r t o u r i s t d e s t i n a t i o n , drawing visitors with its rich history and beautiful sur- r o u n d i n g s . I t s i n t e r i o r , including the room where Francesca and Paolo suppos- edly met, can be explored through guided tours. In the past, it has also been used as a cinematographic set. A curious journey through Le Marche, from tiny alleys to rock legends FRANCESCA BEZZONE Left, a street in Ripatrasone, the village where you can also find the narrowest alley in Italy (Photo: Claudio Giovanni Colombo). On the right, the Castle of Gradara, known for its connection with Dante (Photo: Stevanzz/Dreamstime) and, bottom right, some delicious olive all'ascolana (Photo: Stefaniav/Dreamstime)

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