• N. 27 • THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2014 • GIOVEDÌ 3 LUGLIO 2014
Contrade parade through the streets of Siena
Continued on page 2
The Palio di Siena: a century-old
competition of contrade
Behind the scenes: the unknown Italian
challenges and successes in the 2014
World Cup
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Tuscan people are usually
amiable and friendly, but they
can also be very competitive
and mocking, especially when it
comes to horse racing.
In several small Italian
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Unfortunately on June 24th
Italy lost 1-0 to Uruguay in their
Group D World Cup match. The
defeat meant that Italy was elim-
inated from the 2014 World Cup
tournament. Yet, besides the dis-
appointment of the many
Italians who were following the
game, there's a part of Italy that
already won the World Cup, but
Continued on page 3
towns, from northern to south-
ern regions, the typical horse
races known as Palio are held
mainly during the summer sea-
son. Among them, the most
famous is the one that takes
place in Siena, Tuscany, every
year on July 2 and August 6.
According to the tradition, it is
run in honor of the Madonna of
Provenzano and the Assumption
of the Virgin Mary, during cele-
brations lasting four days.
This spectacular show, whose
origin dates back to the Middle
Ages, involves 10 out of the 17
contrade (city quarters). Those
that didn't participate in the pre-
vious year are automatically
included, and 3 more are chosen
Continua a pagina 13
A cosa serve la storia? In par-
ticolare a cosa ci serve conoscere
la storia italiana se viviamo al di
là dell'Oceano, magari non ci
siamo mai stati in Italia e nem-
meno mai andremo nel Paese dei
nostri nonni, di chi scelse per le
generazioni future nuove radici
lontane da quelle degli avi? A
che serve visto che persino dagli
errori quest'umanità non sembra
imparare mai nulla e persevera
Essere italiani è
una scelta di