• N. 28 • THURSDAY, JULY 10, 2014 • GIOVEDÌ 10 LUGLIO 2014
Musicians playing at the Umbria Jazz Festival in Perugia
Continued on page 2
Perugia celebrates the American
music tradition: Umbria Jazz 2014
Luce Institute celebrates its 90th birthday
with "L'immaginario italiano", an exhibition
about the icons of Italian cinema and culture
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When we think of jazz music,
we usually think of New Orleans
or, more generally, of the south-
ern United States where it origi-
nated in the late 19
and early
century. When we think of
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In 1924 the L.U.C.E. Institute
(Educational and Cinemato-
graphic Union) was founded to
narrate Italian history through
images, stories and movies. One
year later, the name was changed
to Luce National Institute
(Istituto Nazionale Luce) and
taken over by Benito Mussolini,
who understood the enormous
Continued on page 3
jazz in Italy, we also think of the
Umbria Jazz Festival.
This musical genre, particu-
larly based on the artists' talent
for improvisation, combines tra-
ditional European rhythms with
the counter-metric patterns of
African music, and features per-
cussion and dancing. Jazz was
born from the Blues and influ-
enced by musical forms such as
ragtime, with origins in the
African American communities
originally brought to the U.S. by
the Atlantic slave trade.
The abolition of slavery gave
a new boost to the spread of jazz
across the country and all over
the world, incorporating national
and local elements, and giving
Continua a pagina 13
Rispettare la storia. Per non
disperdere un patrimonio eredita-
to, conoscerla e conservarla.
L'Italia e soprattutto gli italia-
ni che convivono con tonnellate
di monumenti e quintali di tesori
immateriali, che costruiscono la
tradizione nazionale e che fisica-
mente riempiono gli spazi vitali,
dovrebbe essere l'abc. Invece ci
distinguiamo per trascuratezza e
degrado. Uno spreco tangibile di
La lezione di
civiltà che c'è
nei monumenti
da conservare