• N. 35 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2014 • GIOVEDÌ 28 AGOSTO 2014
Ferruccio Lamborghini, the founder of the company that bears his name and is known for one of the most stylish and high-performance cars in the world
Continued on page 2
Lamborghini: Italian excellence
from the fields to the racetrack
The Riace Bronzes at the center of a
national controversy
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In the beginning was the trac-
tor. Surprisingly enough, farm
machinery is the forefather of an
icon of automotive Made in Italy
that has also become a symbol of
elegance and strength world-
On a hot Summer day in
1972 Stefano Mariottini, close
to the end of his vacation in
Monasterace, decided to go
snorkeling before returning to
his regular life as a chemist in
Rome. While diving 200 meters
from the coast of Riace, at a
depth of 6 to 8 meters, he sud-
denly thought he saw a dead
human body. He got closer but
as he touched the arm emerging
from the sand, he realized it was
made of bronze. He began to
push the sand away from the
rest of what he discovered to be
an entire statue. He then noticed
Continued on page 3
The Riace Bronzes, two of Italy's greatest archaeological treasures
wide: Lamborghini. The history
of one of the most celebrated
Italian supercars, which has
recently turned 50, begins in the
1960s in the Emilia Romagna
region, not too far from the birth-
place of two other big automo-
tive names: Ferrari and
Ferruccio Lamborghini was
born in 1916 to a family of wine-
makers. Always more interested
in the mechanics of tractors than
in farming itself, he pursued
technical studies in school and
served as a mechanic in the
Italian Royal Air Force for a few
Lamborghini was particular-
ly attracted by high-performance
Continua a pagina 14
Ogni regione ha la sua spe-
cialità culinaria. Visitare l'Italia
significa tuffarsi in un mare di
sapori e ricette che trasmettono
l'eredità di civiltà contadine, di
generazioni di pescatori di mare,
fiumi e laghi, di montanari poco
propensi ai contatti con il resto
del mondo, ma capaci di rielabo-
rare tutto quello che la natura
fornisce, di isolani che hanno
conservato ricette antiche come
perle dentro le conchiglie, di
gente povera che ha affinato la
capacità di cucinare in maniera
nutriente con quel poco che la
miseria concedeva.
Ma la cucina tricolore rac-
conta anche le tante dominazioni
straniere che l'hanno attraversa-
ta, i prodotti arrivati con le con-
quiste di nuove terre e l'insedia-
mento di nuove sovranità, le
mode gustose delle varie epoche
Cucina fusion e
di confine: la
storia italiana
passa nei piatti