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CIX• N. 2 • THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 • GIOVEDÌ 26 GENNAIO 2017 FACEBOOK.COM/ITALOAMERICANONEWSPAPER italoamericano.org $ 2.25 D ATE D MATE RI AL - D O NO T D E LAY Venice: City of the Incognito 1 8th Century, Venice. Circling about the snaky, torch-lit alleyways of the ancient city are swarms of masked men and women. Before leaving the house, members of all social ranks change their names, leaving their titles and inhibitions at the door. Men dress as women, women as men, priests pursue prostitutes, mar- ried men and women meet with lovers in unlit street corners, VINCENZA DI MAGGIO Founded in 1908 Published by L'Italo American Foundation The #1 source for all things Italian since 1908 616 Foothill Blvd #D Monrovia, CA 91016 - Tel: (626) 359-7715 . . .. . .. . . . . . LOS ANGELES Burri Prometheia in L.A. Page 4 SAN FRANCISCO Una Stella at SF de Young Museum Page 7 LIFE & PEOPLE A Tavola with Lidia Bastianich (Part II) Page 11 LA BUONA TAVOLA Making Soup with Escarole Page 17 Pietre d'inciampo: cobblestones that tweak our consciences PG.13 nobles and foreigners illicitly gamble the night away in smoky dens, covertly hidden behind bar- bershop entrances. Another dis- guise. The mask allowed people from all social classes and walks of life to take on an anonymous persona. Historians define it as a period of debauchery, hedonism, revelry, violence, scandal, and deceit. Moral codes were over- turned by a population fixated on giving in to their forbidden desires and achieving ultimate pleasure. What sounds like a scene from a storybook, was real life. This was the Venetian Carnevale of the 18th century. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII declared Carnevale a Christian holiday by placing it on the Gregorian calendar, but with the appearance of the mask, Venetian celebrations of the 18th century became known for being anything but pious. So how and when did the tradition of mask wearing begin? If only ancient city walls could talk. To uncover the answer, I went straight to the Mantua, European capital of gastronomy 2017 A piece of Italian American History on stage with De Niro PG. 16 PG. 10 PG. 23 PG. 2 L'EDITORIALE L'Italo Americano In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII declared Carnevale a Christian holiday, but with the appearance of the mask, Venetian celebrations of the 18th century became known for being anything but pious. Photo by doryx LIFE & PEOPLE LA VITA ITALIANA TRAVEL N on si riesce nemmeno ad immaginare questa massa enorme di ghiaccio, neve e detriti che si abbatte con una furia tale su un tranquillo hotel di La solidarietà e i soccorsi: la migliore 'macchina' del Paese

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