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THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 2022 L'Italo-Americano 2 I nvesting in our territory, in its history and culture means investing in our future. Taking care of what we've inherited means keeping our social and human heritage - so rich and varied - alive. The quality and state of conser- vation of a monument tell us primarily about the solidity of a people's connec- tion with their roots. If we erased all traces of our past, the loss would hit us in more than one way: we wouldn't only lose diversity and wealth, but also the collective and material efforts, the ingenuity that, once upon a time, made it all possible. We would lose the value that place had throughout the centuries and in the life of a community, in the memory of our society. We should remember that, just as it is for our family jew- els, art is more than its monetary and material value. It is, just like cherished objects passed on from one generation to another are: a concentrate of memories, an expression of affection, a token of love, a symbol of feelings. It is a con- crete example of the values in which our society used to rec- ognize itself. The monuments around us, in other words, are not a mere background, a prop in a beautiful landscape, stones set within an urban context, they embody ingenious creative choices, innovative challenges, and well-known techniques. They are icons of power and means of protec- Supporting the arts today for a better Italy tomorrow: it is a gift for everyone From the Editor tion, expression of past epochs and historical events, the result of a series of influences and cultural elaborations. But they are also places where life used to happen, a meeting point, the background to world-changing events. Preserving what the past left us means keeping on bene- fiting from the association with the places we live in, and from the beauty that makes them so special. Safeguarding this inheritance is a duty we have towards future genera- tions. But this patrimony made of architectural master- pieces, of pictorial and sculptural marvels, this cultural fac- tory that produces beauty, is also something that enriches our present. Italy is a garden filled with artistic treasures, a tree laden with precious fruits. When visiting, you are spoiled for choice, and picking an itinerary means you're bound to miss something just as amazing. Our patrimony is so vast and varied that, in a certain way, it is understandable to have material difficulties in managing it all, in protecting it and valorizing it as it deserves. I mean, besides neglect and slop- piness, which are never acceptable nor justifiable, we all know that often, in this context, nothing is enough. In an attempt to do some damage control, in 2014 the Italian government took inspiration from history. The "Urgent Dispositions for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Development of Culture and Revitalization of Tourism" introduced tax credits for all monetary donations made towards the safeguarding of a monument, giving a modern allure to an ancient idea: patronage, or mecenatismo in Italian. Gaius Cilnius Maecenas was born on the 15th of April of 68 BC. He was a Roman politician, an influential advisor and ally of Augustus but, above all, he was an important support- er of a whole new generation of poets, including Horace and Virgil. He used his wealth to support artists, helping art - the same art that was to enrich Latin culture so greatly - devel- op. He was the creator of the noblest of practices, the same that made the Renaissance courts of the Medicis, the Gonzagas, the Estes famous, inspiring superb competitions in magnificence. The same practice popes and kings fol- lowed, even during the Modern Era, to build their charming cities, their wonderful churches, and their fabulous resi- dences. Today, thanks to the Art Bonus, those who donate to culture can benefit from significant tax breaks, as delineated by law. This incentive ( to take care of our cultural patrimony has been working well, if we think that more than 26,000 donors have already contributed, across all regions, towards the welfare of our libraries, the- aters, archeological sites, museums, towers, churches, opera and symphonic music foundations, orchestras, and festivals. You can choose what you want to support and where you want to intervene, from North to South. Of course, there is more than one motivation - from fiscal benefits to a sense of civic duty, from social responsibility to love for art - but the result is the same: we can contribute to valorizing Italy. Great and small interventions, all absolutely essential, though, that create work, develop the territory, support local economy and tourism. Considering the vastness of our national artistic patrimo- ny, Art Bonus is not enough. Fundraisers and donations from private agencies, associations, single benefactors are still key. Luckily non-for-profit organizations and generous philanthropists from abroad contribute, too: perhaps, from a distance, they recognize the value of our art even better. We shouldn't wonder why. Safeguarding our past is a value, a collective and shared patrimony, and to contribute to pro- tecting something that belongs to everyone, you don't need a passport, just love for art and beauty. Simone Schiavinato, Editor Simone Schiavinato NEWS & FEATURES TOP STORIES PEOPLE EVENTS Member of FUSIE (Federazione Unitaria Stampa Italiana all'Estero), COGITO L'Italo-Americano 610 West Foothill Blvd. Unit D, Monrovia, CA 91016 - Tel.: (626) 359-7715 PLEASE SEND CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 6528, ALTADENA, CA 91003 L'Italo-Americano Newspaper (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization),, is the largest and longest-running Italian newspaper in America, not to mention the cultural and news resource for all things Italian in the US. A bilingual newspaper which represents an historical landmark for the Italian American Communities in the West Coast and throughout the US. L'Italo-Americano benefits from subsidies by the Italian Government, Memberships and Donations intended to support and not interrupt a mission that began in 1908 to preserve and promote the Italian language and culture in the USA Periodicals postage paid at Monrovia, California 91016, and additional mailing offices. PUBLISHER Robert Barbera Grande Ufficiale EDITOR IN CHIEF Simone Schiavinato ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Patrick Abbate EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Barbara Minafra COPY EDITOR Francesca Bezzone LOS ANGELES CONTRIBUTOR Silvia Giudici SAN FRANCISCO CONTRIBUTORS Catherine Accardi Serena Perfetto SEATTLE CONTRIBUTOR Rita Cipalla CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mariella Radaelli, Francesca Bezzone, Luca Ferrari, Stefano Carnevali, Paula Reynolds, Nico- letta Curradi, GenerosoD'Agnese, Fabrizio Del Bimbo, Maria Gloria, Alfonso Guerriero Jr., Anthony Di Renzo Serena Perfetto, Kenneth Scambray, Chiara D'Alessio © 2020 L'Italo-Americano Membership: One year $59 - Single copy $2.25 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to L'Italo Americano PO Box 6528 Altadena, CA 91003 Mail form and check to L'Italo-Americano, P.O.BOX 6528, ALTADENA, CA 91003