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L'Italo-Americano THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 6 NEWS & FEATURES TOP STORIES PEOPLE EVENTS of self-discovery, a way to reconnect with their ances- tral roots and understand the c u l t u r a l l e g a c y t h a t h a s s h a p e d t h e m , n o m a t t e r where they are in the world. My own experiences of living abroad taught me the impor- tance of understanding and embracing one's heritage. Italy, with her regions, each with their own distinct tradi- tions and histories, offers a w e a l t h o f e x p e r i e n c e s f o r anyone seeking to explore their roots. As a citizen of the world, I see Italy as a bridge between my international experiences and my ances- tral identity. It's a country that, no matter where I am, always feels like home. I n V e n i c e , y o u h a v e been offering workshops to introduce people to photography and teach t h e m i t s s e c r e t s a n d beauty. It's certainly a didactic endeavor, but it's also an opportunity to get to know the city intimately. Would you agree? And what's your r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h Venice? A b s o l u t e l y . T h e w o r k - s h o p s a r e a s m u c h a b o u t teaching the art of photogra- phy as they are about discov- ering the city's more intimate - a n d o f t e n o v e r l o o k e d - loveliness. Venice, for me, is a city of contrasts, a place of exceptional beauty and his- torical depth, yet not without its challenges. My relation- ship with her is a blend of d e e p l o v e a n d s e n s e o f responsibility: I am in love with its canals, architecture, and with that unique play of l i g h t a n d s h a d o w y o u g e t here, but I am equally con- cerned about her preserva- tion, especially when think- ing about over-tourism and environmental threats. The w o r k s h o p s p r o v i d e a n avenue not just to teach pho- tography but also to share m y p e r s o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p with the city. I encourage participants to see beyond the tourist veneer, to explore the lesser-known alleys and q u i e t c a n a l s w h e r e t h e authentic spirit of Venice thrives. It's about capturing the essence of Venetian life, about meeting the locals, no matter if they are artisans, shopkeepers, or passersby. All this is an important and i n v a l u a b l e p a r t o f a l l m y workshops. My aim is, both with my photography and these workshops, to offer a narrative of the city that is both deeply personal and universal: I want people - those who see my work and those who come to my work- shops - to see and appreciate the interplay of history, cul- ture, and everyday life that makes Venice so extraordi- nary. I want them to create a connection with the city, to understand her, with all its complexities and beauties, on a more profound level. In fact, you also dedi- cated a book to Venice, more specifically, to its many beautiful but dis- appearing mestieri… Yes, I published a photo b o o k a b o u t a r t i s a n s i n Venice out of a deep sense of urgency to document and preserve the fading world of traditional Venetian crafts- m a n s h i p . W i t h t h e r a p i d changes in our modern soci- ety, many of these skills — and the unique individuals who practice them — are at risk of disappearing… quite f e w d i s a p p e a r e d a l r e a d y . This book, Venice Artisans, is my tribute to their artistry and a way to capture their invaluable contributions to the cultural and historical fabric of the city. It's a visual preservation of skills and traditions that are as much a part of Venice's identity as its canals and architecture. I t ' s a n u n f o r t u n a t e truth that younger gen- erations are no longer involved in the practice a n d p r e s e r v a t i o n o f these crafts. What's the reason, in your opinion? T h e w a n i n g i n t e r e s t o f younger generations in tra- ditional artisan crafts, par- ticularly in Venice, can be attributed to a combination of economic and social fac- tors. The city, increasingly c a t e r i n g t o t h e n e e d s o f tourists, has seen a signifi- cant rise in property prices. This surge makes it chal- lenging for young — and not so young — individuals to afford spaces for living or setting up workshops. Many properties have been con- v e r t e d i n t o s h o r t - t e r m rentals, further exacerbating the issue. As a result, the opportunity for younger peo- ple to engage in and carry f o r w a r d t h e s e t r a d i t i o n a l crafts is diminishing, not necessarily due to a lack of interest, but because of the practical and financial barri- ers that they face in today's context. One last question: is t h e r e a p l a c e , a s i t u a - tion, or a person, in the present or the past, that you would have loved or w o u l d l o v e t o p h o t o - graph and why? I firmly believe in living without regrets and focusing on the potential of the pre- sent and future rather than dwelling on missed opportu- nities from the past. This p h i l o s o p h y d r i v e s m y approach to photography; I'm more intrigued by the prospect of what I can cap- ture next rather than com- p l a i n i n g o v e r m o m e n t s I might have missed! T h a t s a i d , i f I w e r e t o think of a subject I would love to photograph, it would- n't be a specific place, situa- t i o n , o r p e r s o n f r o m t h e past. It's the unexpected and y e t - t o - b e - d i s c o v e r e d moments that I look forward to capturing. The beauty of photography lies in its ability to surprise and challenge the p h o t o g r a p h e r , a n d I f i n d great joy in its spontaneity and unpredictability. I want t o k e e p o n e x p l o r i n g a n d capturing the essence of life a s i t u n f o l d s a r o u n d m e . Every new day is an opportu- nity to witness and immor- talize a special moment, and it's this endless possibility that keeps my passion for photography alive and thriv- ing. Check out Marco Sec- chi's work on his web- site, https://www.mar- cosecchi.com/, and on Instagram, @msecchi. If you are interested in his w o r k s h o p s , c h e c k o u t https://www.msecchi.co m / . M a r c o ' s b o o k , Venice Artisans, is avail- able on Amazon. Roots Tourism is a beautiful initiative: for those of Italian descent, visiting Italy can be a journey of self- discovery, a way to reconnect with their ancestral roots and understand the cultural legacy that has shaped them (Marco Secchi) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Life in Venice during the Carnevale and, below, a poetic moment in the everyday life of La Serenissima (Photos cour- tesy of Marco Secchi)

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