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www.italoamericano.org 8 THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2024 L'Italo-Americano experiment simulating a con- nection from the ISS to the Experimental Flight Depart- ment in Pratica di Mare to assess the risk levels of space debris approaching the Sta- t i o n . S e v e n d a y s l a t e r , i t a l m o s t h a p p e n e d : N A S A warned us that within 48 hours, we could have a close approach with debris, thus we prepared for an emer- gency procedure. It didn't happen, but the concept of 'situation awareness' is a real n e c e s s i t y b e c a u s e w e onboard don't know what's around us; this information is relayed by ground com- mand and control centers." S p a c e a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e already a part of our lives, and discussing experiments and technologies is really about getting to the heart of s p a c e m i s s i o n s . " T h i s research serves multiple pur- poses. The primary goal is that research in space aims to enhance life on Earth. Sec- ondly, scientific progress doesn't happen in quantum leaps, and you don't win a Nobel Prize with a single experiment: research is a lengthy journey that requires p e r s e v e r a n c e a n d d e p t h . T h i r d l y , a s o u r m i s s i o n s extend from the 400 kilome- ters of the ISS to the Moon's 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 k i l o m e t e r s o r Mars's 85 million kilometers, the knowledge we gain today will be vital for safeguarding a s t r o n a u t s , w h o w i l l f i n d t h e m s e l v e s m u c h f u r t h e r than a mere 12 minutes and 40 seconds from Earth." There's a pressing need to innovate beyond the "old" ISS, a product of the 80s and 90s, a fusion of Russian and American technologies, and Italian and Japanese mod- ules, now replete with obso- lete standards and systems. I n s u c h a n e n v i r o n m e n t , staying still or maintaining balance is exceptionally chal- lenging. This underscores the i m p o r t a n c e o f i n d u s t r i a l experiments, such as "devel- oping materials that protect a g a i n s t c o s m i c a n d s o l a r radiation and the secondary radiation that occurs within the Station, which are the m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t r i s k s t o astronauts." A space suit, for instance, is a concentration of technology, designed to offer both protection and functionality essential for life beyond Earth. You wore special suits equipped with sensors. What was this experi- ment about? I w o r e t h e f i r s t s u i t , designed by a startup from Apulia, on the Dragon. Ideal- ly, it allows astronauts to mit- igate the impacts of space travel by simulating some physical training, which is the principal strategy for countering bodily deteriora- tion: muscle weakening and bone demineralization. This suit enables exercise through built-in resistance, without the need for active workouts. The second suit, created by a startup in Marche, aims to turn the garment into a smart device, equipped with sen- sors to track fatigue and pro- vide astronauts with action- able feedback. Integrating innovation and research with the academic and industrial domains proved incredibly enlightening. This synergy can bring exciting develop- ments and has significant potential." T h e a s t r o n a u t t h e n engaged with questions from students at the University of Bari, followed by a session of autographs and selfies. But what's his message for the younger generation? "Space," he explained, "is closer than it seems, offering real profes- sional growth opportunities not just for those dreaming of becoming astronauts but for a wide array of professions. It's an inherently interdisci- plinary field. I discussed with the rector the exciting poten- tial for launching projects that allow students to flour- ish in this arena, driven by passion, especially as space will be a key focus for us in the decades to come." T h e a s t r o n a u t t h e n engaged with questions from students at the University of Bari, followed by a session of autographs and selfies. But what's his message for the younger generation? "Space," he explained, "is closer than it seems, offering real profes- sional growth opportunities not just for those dreaming of becoming astronauts but for a wide array of professions. It's an inherently interdisci- plinary field. I discussed with the rector the exciting poten- tial for launching projects that allow students to flour- ish in this arena, driven by passion, especially as space will be a key focus for us in the decades to come." When it comes to return- ing to the moon, discussions point to 2027, and we're at a juncture where imagining and then building cislunar stations—those orbiting our moon—is feasible. For Mars, though, the timeline extends to the century's end, as the requisite technology is still under development. But the s c o p e f o r r e s e a r c h i s immense. The suit is a signif- icant example: : "It draws from diverse experiences: automotive, fashion design, engineering. It integrates technology, medical aspects, sensor technology, innovative materials, data analysis. The challenge today," said the colonel, "is to operate across different fields, and space is conducive to this approach. The suit perfectly illustrates how many different disci- plines can come together." But the opportunities are numerous. It's worth men- tioning that Villadei also pre- pared, as an experiment, "a good Italian pasta, cooked al dente." Villadei on the ISS (Photo courtesy of NASA, Axiom Space and Italian Air Force) The Earth from the ISS (Photo courtesy of NASA, Axiom Space and Italian Air Force) "Scientific progress doesn't happen in quantum leaps, and you don't win a Nobel Prize with a single experiment: research is a lengthy journey that requires perseverance and depth," Villadei says CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 NEWS & FEATURES TOP STORIES PEOPLE EVENTS

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