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THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 16 L'Italo-Americano I f we think of a white c i t y i n P u g l i a , o f course, we think of beautiful Ostuni, but there is another one: Locorotondo. Locorotondo, one of the Borghi più Belli d'Italia, is l o c a t e d i n t h e h e a r t o f P u g l i a ' s V a l l e d ' I t r i a , a t a r o u n d 4 1 0 m e t e r s a b o v e s e a l e v e l . A w a r d e d t h e Orange Flag by the Italian Touring Club for its beauty and quality of life, this vil- lage is known for its circular planimetry and the beauty of its architecture. The name "Locorotondo" comes from the Latin locus r o t u n d u s a n d r e f l e c t s t h e town's unique circular lay- out. Its earliest documented mention dates back to 1195 in an imperial diploma by H e n r y V I o f S w a b i a , t h a t acknowledged the existence o f a " L o c u s q u i d i c i t u r rotondus" and a church ded- icated to Saint George. Over centuries, Locorotondo has seen various rulers, from the Knights Hospitaller in 1314 to noble families like the Del B a l z o O r s i n i s a n d t h e Carafas, shaping its histori- cal and cultural landscape. Architecturally and artis- tically, the historic center of Locorotondo is the place to b e : h e r e , n a r r o w w i n d i n g s t r e e t s a r e f r a m e d b y t h e distinctive cummèrse—tra- ditional white houses with s l o p i n g r o o f s m a d e f r o m l o c a l l i m e s t o n e k n o w n a s chiancarelle. These unique buildings are painted with lime to keep the scorching sun at bay and are the sym- bol of the town. The main church, dedicat- ed to the patron saint, St. G e o r g e t h e M a r t y r , stands on the ruins of previ- ous churches; today, it has a s t u n n i n g n e o c l a s s i c a l façade built between 1790 a n d 1 8 2 5 . I t s d e s i g n f e a - tures a prominent sculptur- al group in the tympanum, statues of Saints Peter and Paul at the corners, and a striking dome that rises 35 meters high, accompanied b y a n e l e g a n t b e l l t o w e r . Inside, the church's Greek cross plan is adorned with a r t w o r k s b y N e a p o l i t a n artists, including four sig- nificant paintings by Gen- naro Maldarelli dating from the early 19th century. The recent floor renovation has introduced glass panels that r e v e a l f r a g m e n t s o f t h e c h u r c h ' s 1 6 t h - c e n t u r y façade. A f e w s t e p s f r o m t h e town's library and tourist information center we find Palazzo Morelli, built in 1819: this exquisite example of Baroque architecture fea- tures a grand entrance lead- i n g t o a c h a r m i n g c o u r t - yard, and the hierarchical a r r a n g e m e n t o f s p a c e s around an external stair- case reflects the social strat- ification of its time, offering a glimpse into the aristo- cratic life of the 19th centu- ry. As you would expect in a place with such a long his- tory, traditional festivals and cultural celebrations play a vital role and repre- sent well the town's spirit and cultural heritage. One of the highlights is the Fes- t i v a l o f S a n G i o r g i o Martire, the patron saint, celebrated on April 23rd. The event is usually preced- ed by the "donation" cere- mony on April 22nd, which s h o w s t h e d e e p s p i r i t u a l and communal bonds with- in the town. Another key event is the F e a s t o f S a n R o c c o on A u g u s t 1 6 t h , w h i c h c o m - memorates the saint credit- ed with protecting Locoro- tondo from a 17th-century p l a g u e . T h r o u g h o u t t h e year, there are also various seasonal and harvest festi- vals, including celebrations of the grape and olive har- vests. Last, but certainly least, let's look into Locorotondo's culinary heritage! Among the most cherished dishes w e f i n d t r i d d o , a h o m e - m a d e p a s t a t r a d i t i o n a l l y p r e p a r e d d u r i n g f e s t i v e periods. Made from semoli- n a , e g g s , a n d c h e e s e , i t ' s s e r v e d i n a w a r m , h e a r t y broth. Another local favorite i s g n u m e r è d d e s u f - fuchète, lamb tripe rolls slowly cooked in a savory broth. This dish, recognized as a traditional product, has a n c i e n t r o o t s a n d i s c o n - nected with the rural nature the community maintained throughout the centuries. Of course, being in Puglia, we must mention orecchiette c o n l e c i m e d i r a p a , a regional staple combining handmade pasta with turnip tops in a simple yet flavorful preparation. T h e l o c a l L o c o r o t o n d o white has a DOC designa- tion, which it received in 1969, making it one of the "oldest" DOC wines in the country. T h e S a g r a d e l Limone di Mon- t e r o s s o which, this year, is cele- brated on May 18, is a fragrant and fun homage t o t h e c i t r u s h e r i t a g e o f Cinque Terre's largest vil- lage. The annual event trans- forms Monterosso into a lively celebration of lemons and highlights the deep cultural and culinary connections of the region with the iconic, sun-colored citrus fruit. Located along the most famous part of Liguria, the Riviera di Levante , Mon- terosso al Mare is blessed with extensive beaches and crystal- clear waters surrounded by lush vegetation, including prolific lemon trees, central to the village's identity. The fes- tival has been an annual tradi- t i o n s i n c e 1 9 6 7 a n d t a k e s place every third Saturday in May. As is true for many tra- ditional fairs, the Sagra del Limone di Monterosso brings the community and visitors t o g e t h e r t o r e v e l i n n e w lemon-flavored recipes and c o c k t a i l s , w i t h s h o p s a n d restaurants decked out in lemon-inspired decor. During the festival, Mon- terosso's historic center is adorned with lemon-themed decorations, and local produc- ers showcase their lemon- based products along the vil- lage's narrow alleys. Visitors can explore a variety of stalls o f f e r i n g e v e r y t h i n g f r o m lemon-marinated anchovies to Limoncino liqueur, lemon c r e a m , m a r m a l a d e s , a n d refreshing lemon desserts. The day is filled with activi- ties, including the "8000 steps under the lemon scent" walk, which combines scenic views with culinary delights, and c o m p e t i t i o n s s u c h a s t h e "Most Lemon-Flavored Cake" contest and the "Most Beauti- ful Shop Window" award. T h e f e s t i v a l ' s r o o t s a r e deep, marked by the histori- cal significance of Mon- terosso's lemons: "Limun de Munterussu!" was once the call of vendors for these truly precious fruits, often gifted to friends and family, who were e v e n i n v i t e d t o p i c k t h e m directly from the trees. They are so good and so iconic that p o e t s l i k e N o b e l l a u r e a t e E u g e n i o M o n t a l e m e n - tioned them in his poems and artists like Telemaco Sig- norini and Renato Birolli included them in their paint- ings. Of course, the Sagra is also important to enhance local tourism and economy and to spotlight sustainable, locally sourced products. The Lemon Festival of Monterosso is an essential event for food lovers, history enthusiasts, or anyone looking to enjoy the colorful and cheerful atmosphere of one of Italy's most cherished coastal regions. Lemons just like those from Monterosso (Photo: Romrodinka/Dreamstime) White, blue, yellow… the colors of the Mediterranean in Locorotondo (Photo Antanovich1985/Dreamstime) T h e f r a g r a n t a n d c o l o r f u l tradition of celebrating lemons in Monterosso Locorotondo, Puglia's "secret" white city LA VITA ITALIANA TRADITIONS HISTORY CULTURE BORGHI

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