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THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 26 L'Italo-Americano W e p r e v i - ously had t h e p l e a - s u r e o f introduc- i n g o u r r e a d e r s t o V e r o Viaggio, the brainchild of J e a n R i v a l d i a n d Francesca Peretto. Com- bining immersive language learning with cultural explo- ration, Vero Viaggio offers an unparalleled Italian experi- ence. "Vero Viaggio means 'real trip' or 'real voyage,' and that's exactly what we want people to experience with us: true language learning and true discovery of places and people," Jean explained to us when we met in December. In short, Vero Viaggio's mission is to provide a deep- er, more authentic Italian experience through a blend of intensive language classes and cultural immersion. The last t i m e w e s p o k e , J e a n a n d Francesca were gearing up for an exciting tour in Cefalù. Today, we catch up with them to see how things went during that trip and to learn what Vero Viaggio has planned for the coming months. The last time we spoke, y o u w e r e p r e p a r i n g a small tour to Cefalù for about 10 people. How did it go and what was the feedback from the lucky travelers? J e a n : Y e s ! O u r t o u r t o Cefalù at the end of April and early May was a big success. We spent the week together speaking Italian all day and night! We weren't just learn- i n g I t a l i a n , w e w e r e a l s o learning in Italian, with plen- ty of opportunities to con- verse and practice language s k i l l s . T h i s i m m e r s i v e approach is critical and often missed in traditional language schools. Even when parts of the group did separate activi- ties, we continued speaking Italian, which allowed our clients to experience different accents and ways of speaking, enhancing their listening and speaking abilities. W h a t m a n y l a n g u a g e learners don't realize is that passive skills like reading and listening develop first, while active skills like speaking and writing develop later, which often causes frustration. We o f t e n h e a r p e o p l e s a y , " I understand everything, but I can't speak!" or "When I try to put a sentence together, I just freeze." Immersive expe- riences like ours help bridge this gap, allowing learners to use the language in real-life situations and gain confi- dence in their speaking abili- ties. Why do you think it's important to experience Italy more authentically, especially when it comes to learning the language? Jean: A classroom experi- ence is controlled, with a teacher accustomed to speak- ing in a way that non-native speakers can understand. While valuable, it provides only a foundation and is no substitute for real-life situa- tions. True communication in another language requires adapting to these real-life sit- uations, which are different from a structured classroom environment. Authentic experiences in Italy mean interacting with everyday people, not just those trained to deal with tourists. It's about having conversations with locals and sharing their lives, which makes the experience memo- rable and fosters a genuine connection. While I love the food, the wine, the scenery, the culture, and the history of Italy, what I prize the most every time I'm there—and truly, what I love the most about Italy—is the Italian people. They are the heart of t h e c o u n t r y . I t i s t h e moments you share with peo- ple that make an experience memorable. The summer is coming a n d y o u a r e c u r r e n t l y preparing a Vero Viaggio L a n g u a g e C o u r s e i n B o l o g n a i n m i d - J u n e , a n d m o r e t r i p s a r e planned for the fall. Can you tell us more? W e a r e s o e x c i t e d t h i s summer, coming right up from June 14-17, to launch a weekend program of infor- mal immersion in the Italian language. This will be a 2- day, 3-night weekend in the countryside east of Bologna at an agriturismo property a c c o m p a n i e d b y n a t i v e speakers. It will be very casu- al in the sense that there won't be organized classes or f o r m a l I t a l i a n l a n g u a g e learning, but the activities we do (cooking classes, wine tasting, meals, walks, etc.) will all be in Italian. It will provide a very relaxed and comfortable environment for people who are learning Ital- ian and want to have more everyday exposure to the lan- guage. And we'll also have a great time together in the c o u n t r y s i d e o f R o m a g n a , which is a very special place. For me, the Romagnoli are some of the most genuine, down-to-earth, welcoming people I've ever met. Some people say that Romagna is the "south" of Northern Italy. I like this description because it really fits the feeling you have there. This program is perfect for those who might already be planning a trip to nearby regions or the Emilia Romagna/Bologna area and want to spend the weekend in the countryside sharpen- ing their Italian conversation skills. Then, in the fall, we have three week-long programs in Cefalù (September 29 - Octo- ber 6), Montepulciano (Octo- ber 26 - November 2), and Siracusa/Ortigia (November 2 3 - 3 0 ) . I a m s o e x c i t e d about all three of these loca- tions and the opportunity for more Italian learners to take the next step in their journey with us. In Cefalù, the weath- er will still be summer/beach weather, and that will be a fun atmosphere. In Mon- tepulciano at the end of Octo- ber, we'll be in the perfect autumn environment (with fewer tourists) and there's nothing there that isn't beau- tiful to look at. I am constant- ly breathless at the amazing vistas everywhere whenever I'm in Montepulciano. We're p a r t n e r i n g w i t h a s c h o o l there that is top-notch and will be a wonderful part of the experience. Then there's Ortigia. The first time I was in Ortigia, I immediately fell in love with it. I think this will be the experience of each of our guests as well. STAFF A cooking lesson during a Vero Viaggio trip (Photo courtesy of Vero Viaggio) Catching up with Vero Viaggio: exploring new horizons in Italian culture and language With Vero Viaggio, you can learn while you enjoy the beauties of Italy! (Photo courtesy of Vero Viaggio) ALL AROUND ITALY TRAVEL TIPS DESTINATIONS ACTIVITIES

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