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THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 20 L'Italo-Americano Valentini's speech high- lighted the innovative spirit of both Warner Bros. Studios and Italy, drawing a parallel between the two as creators of dreams and pioneers in their respective fields. She underlined Italy's pioneering achievements in research, the space economy, sustain- able mobility, and advanced machinery. Italians, especial- ly those in the Los Angeles area, are seen as aerospace engineers, renewable energy manufacturers, PR geniuses, engineers, designers, musi- cians, researchers, creators, b r i l l i a n t m a n a g e r s , a n d amazing innovators. Valenti- ni also expressed gratitude to all the participants for their contributions, dedication, and passion. She thanked the staff of the Consulate Gener- al of Italy, the Italian Cultur- al Institute, the Italian Trade Agency, the Italian American Chamber of Commerce, the I t a l i a n N a t i o n a l T o u r i s t B o a r d , a n d t h e h o n o r a r y symbol of Hollywood's gold- en age but also an emblem of continuous innovation in the film industry, as it pioneered sound and color in movies, paralleling Italy's own jour- ney of blending deep histori- c a l r o o t s w i t h m o d e r n advancements. consuls in San Diego, Neva- da, Arizona, and New Mexi- co. Each of these entities plays a crucial role in foster- i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g t h e vibrant relationship between Italy and the United States. The economic relation- ship between Italy and Los Angeles was another focal point of Valentini's speech. T r a d e b e t w e e n t h e t w o regions has surpassed $4 bil- lion, with a trade surplus for Italy of more than $3 billion. This underscores the strong demand for Italian goods and services in Southern Cal- i f o r n i a . I t a l y i s t h e f i f t h - largest exporter in the world and leads the EU in waste recycling and the number of companies in machinery and equipment. The Consulate General and the Italian insti- t u t i o n s i n L o s A n g e l e s , known as Sistema Italia, are committed to supporting and enhancing economic, ry have been created here. This location was chosen to invite attendees to imagine and dream of an Italy that is b o t h e x t r a o r d i n a r y a n d unique, rooted in history and tradition but also mod- ern and innovative. Warner Bros. Studios is not only a O n June 2, Italy c e l e b r a t e s R e p u b l i c Day, a signifi- cant national holiday commemorating the 1946 referendum in which Italians chose to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic. This historic day honors the nation's democra- tic values and unity, repre- senting a fundamental part of Italy's historical memory. It commemorates the courage of those who defended the country and contributed to the creation of a free, democ- ratic Italy based on the values of dignity, justice, and soli- darity. This year, the celebra- tion took place at Warner Brothers Studio in Burbank, California. The Italian Consul in Los Angeles, Raffaella V a l e n t i n i , d e l i v e r e d a n inspiring speech during the event, emphasizing the cul- t u r a l a n d e c o n o m i c t i e s between Italy and the United States and the innovative spirit shared by both nations. The consul acknowledged the symbolic significance of holding the celebration at Warner Bros. Studios, a p l a c e w h e r e d r e a m s h a v e been crafted for the past 80 y e a r s . I c o n i c m o v i e s a n d series like Casablanca, Bat- man, Friends, Ghostbusters, ER, and The Big Bang Theo- SILVIA NITTOLI Italy celebrates Republic Day in Los Angeles: a tribute to democracy and innovation IIC Director Emanuele Amendola, ICE Director Alessadra Rainaldi, Consul Lorenza Errighi and Consul General Raffaella Valentini (Photo: Tom Wayne Bertolotti) A moment of the fashion show organized by the Accademia Italiana del Lusso to celebrate the Festa della Repubblica in LA (Photo: Tom Wayne Bertolotti) CONTINUED TO PAGE 32 LOS ANGELES ITALIAN COMMUNITY

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