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THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 18 L'Italo-Americano T he Italian expres- sion in quanto (in kwan-toh) is q u i t e f a n c y . I t s h i s t o r y , a s i t i s more often than not in Ital- ian, starts with a Latin word, quantum, which means "how much" or "how many." Historically, in quanto has been used to connect clauses i n a m a n n e r t h a t c o n v e y s causality or reasoning, similar to "as" or "because" in Eng- lish. In contemporary Italian, in quanto can be used in a variety of ways: primarily, to explain or justify something by linking it to a cause or con- dition. For example, we can say, in quanto studente, ho diritto a uno sconto ("As a student, I am entitled to a dis- count"), or Lui è stato scelto in quanto esperto nel settore ("He was chosen because he is an expert in the field"). In these examples, in quanto f u n c t i o n s s i m i l a r l y t o t h e English "as" or "because," indicating the reason or con- dition for the statement. The expression maintains a formal tone, reason for which it often appears in written I t a l i a n o r f o r m a l s p e e c h rather than in everyday lan- guage. Its usage underscores a logical connection between 1 which, what, of those men- tioned 5 you 6 home; house 7 (they) love 13 they 14 lights (source of illumina- tion) 17 museums 20 tail 21 king 22 island Using the provided meanings as clues, search for the appropriate Italian word in the grid 1 here (less precise) 2 wing 3 echo 4 (he) uses 8 months 9 from there/here; of/about it 10 of the 11 (feminine plural of) pure; too, also 12 way, path 15 on; up 16 with the 17 never 18 his, her, its 19 anger statements, enhancing clari- ty and precision in commu- nication. Moreover, in quanto can be used in legal, academic, and professional contexts where it is essential to clearly state reasons or conditions. For instance: L'accordo è nullo in quanto mancante di firma ("The agreement is void as it lacks a signature"). I n q u a n t o h a s a l s o t h e m e a n i n g o f " a s f o r , " o r "regarding" and "about." For i n s t a n c e , i t i s c o m m o n l y used in phrases like In quan- to a me, sto lavorando tan- tissimo ("As for me, I am working a lot"), and also Ho prenotato il treno per Roma. I n q u a n t o a l l ' h o t e l , c i penseremo la prossima set- timana ("I booked the train to Rome. About the hotel, w e ' l l t h i n k a b o u t i t n e x t week"). I n q u a n t o c e n t e s i m o cliente della giornata, ricev- erà un regalo As the 100th customer of the day, you are receiving a gift Mio marito sta bene, in quanto a me, ho bisogno di una vacanza! My husband is doing fine but, as for me, I need a vaca- tion! LA VITA ITALIANA TRADITIONS HISTORY CULTURE In quanto: the expression to use when you want your voice to be heard (Photo: MitaStockImages/Dreamstime) 1 to talk 2 bird 3 heart 4 three 5 school 6 father 7 man 8 to run 9 to hold 10 to drink 11 table 12 to eat 13 home 14 one 15 friend 16 river A C R O S S D O W N ITALIAN WORD SEARCH The solution to these word games will be available on the next edition. Games courtesy of Lexis Rex

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