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THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 18 L'Italo-Americano T h e w o r d p a l i o (pah-lee-oh) origi- n a t e s f r o m t h e Latin term palli- u m , m e a n i n g "cloak" or "covering." Over time, pallium evolved in the I t a l i a n l a n g u a g e t o r e f e r specifically to a banner or a cloth used in competitions and festivals. Historically, palio became associated with medieval and Renaissance Italy, where various towns would hold competitive events to showcase their local pride and athletic prowess. The most famous of these events is the Palio di Siena, a horse race that dates back to the 13th century. This event involves riders representing different city wards (contrade) racing around Siena's central square, Piazza del Campo. The winner is awarded a painted silk ban- ner, or palio, as a symbol of victory. You probably heard someone saying that il Palio di Siena è una delle manifes- tazioni più antiche e famose d'Italia ("The Palio of Siena is one of the oldest and most famous events in Italy"): they are right! A p a r t f r o m t h e P a l i o d i Siena, other Italian towns have their own palio events, 1 name 3 tail 7 from the 8 (you/tu) believe 9 rain 13 others 15 anger 16 thoughts 17 end Using the provided meanings as clues, search for the appropriate Italian word in the grid 1 knot 2 many 4 (he) hears 5 air 6 (he) chooses 10 beginnings; (you/tu) start 11 (you/tu) fall 12 hunger 14 (feminine plural of) your, belonging to you each with unique characteris- tics reflecting local traditions. For example, the Palio di Asti is another well-known horse race held in Asti, Pied- mont, with origins in the Middle Ages. Similarly, the Palio di Ferrara features a series of races and competi- tions that highlight the city's historical heritage. In modern Italian, palio is primarily used to refer to these traditional races and the events surrounding them. I t c a n a l s o b e u s e d m o r e broadly to denote any race or c o n t e s t w h e r e a p r i z e i s awarded. Ogni contrada partecipa al palio con grande entusias- mo e spirito competitivo. Each ward participates in the palio with great enthusi- asm and competitive spirit. I l v i n c i t o r e d e l p a l i o riceve un prezioso stendardo dipinto a mano. The winner of the palio receives a precious hand- painted banner. Il palio di Ferrara attira turisti da tutto il mondo, desiderosi di assistere alle gare storiche. T h e p a l i o o f F e r r a r a attracts tourists from all over the world, eager to witness the historic races. LA VITA ITALIANA TRADITIONS HISTORY CULTURE Palio: a word full of history and fun © Dietmar Rauscher | Dreamstime.com 1 two 2 light 3 home 4 door 5 table 6 to listen 7 friend 8 Monday 9 school 10 shirt 11 to turn 12 three 13 father 14 Tuesday 15 to hold 16 one 17 mother A C R O S S D O W N ITALIAN WORD SEARCH The solution to these word games will be available on the next edition. Games courtesy of Lexis Rex

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