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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 24 L'Italo-Americano P olignano a Mare is a picturesque coastal town in Puglia, known for its stunning sur- roundings, clear waters, and historic center. Perched on limestone cliffs overlooking the Adriatic Sea, it is located ap- proximately 30 kilometers south of Bari, the largest city in the region. Its historic center is a blend of Mediterranean ar- chitecture and picturesque al- leyways, characterized by nar- row streets, whitewashed houses, and small squares adorned with colorful flowers and religious images. A walk through it will leave you in awe of its many arches, stairways, and terraces offering stunning views of the Adriatic Sea. No- table landmarks include Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, known as the square of the clock be- cause of the ancient clock on one of its historic buildings, and the Marchesale Arch, the original gateway to the town. Polignano is also home to various artistic expressions, with streets often decorated with lines of poetry painted on walls, doors, and corners. The town also proudly celebrates its connection to Domenico Modugno, the famous singer- songwriter known for Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu, with a statue of Modugno prominently stand- ing on the seafront promenade named after him. Art enthusiasts can visit the Museo Pino Pascali, dedi- cated to the significant figure in the Arte Povera movement, located just outside the historic center. It features a collection of Pascali's works and other contemporary art exhibitions. Additionally, the breathtaking Lama Monachile beach, lo- cated between two high rock walls and blessed with crystal- clear waters, is accessible via the old Roman bridge of the Via Trajana. It is a perfect place to relax and take in the beauty of the Adriatic Sea. As you can see, Polignano has a lot to offer its visitors, whether they love the sea, art or history. But it's another fea- ture that sets the town apart from its just as beautiful neigh- bors: its grottos. Here, the coastline is dotted with numer- ous sea caves, each with unique features and historical significance. Accessible via boat or land, Polignano's sea caves are a wonder of nature worth a visit: perfect for geol- ogy lovers, they also have a ro- mantic je ne sais quoi, which will be certainly appreciated by most. Let us take a quick tour of the most impressive and fa- mous among them, Grotta Palazzese, Grotta delle Rondinelle, Grotta Az- zurra, Grotta Ardito, and Grotta delle Monache. Grotta Palazzese This cave is known for its expansive, semicircular inte- rior and its most striking fea- ture is a terrace offering an un- paralleled view of the Adriatic Sea. Inside, natural light filter- ing through the cave's open- ings creates a spectacular set- ting. In the 1700s, the cave was owned by Marquis Leto and it was well known among the nobility and the intellectuals, so much so it was mentioned in the encyclopedias of Diderot and D'Alembert. In those years, the cave hosted grand events and gatherings and cap- tivated visitors like Queen Joan of Anjou. The cave's signifi- cance is further underscored by its depiction in the works of French painter Louis Jean De- sprez in 1778 . Today, Grotta Palazzese is known for another peculiarity: the restaurant located inside it. Indeed, the cave is home to a restaurant specialized in high-quality Italian cuisine, with a focus on local ingredi- ents and traditional Apulian recipes with a modern twist . Grotta Palazzese is accessi- ble both from the sea and by a staircase carved into the rock. Visitors can enjoy boat tours that include stops at the cave, and offer a comprehensive ex- ploration of its surroundings . Grotta delle Rondinelle The Grotta delle Rondinelle, or Swallow Cave, is known for the swallows that frequent it, adding a dynamic element to its environment. It is celebrated for its natural light effects, where sunlight re- flects off the water and cave walls, creating a stunning dis- play of colors and patterns. Its spacious interior and unique geological formations make it a scenic marvel and significant ecological site. Primarily acces- sible by boat, Grotta delle Rondinelle is a must-visit on many boat tours that feature commentary on the cave's his- tory, geology, and wildlife. Some tours also provide the chance to swim near the cave, enhancing the experience." Grotta Azzurra (Blue Cave) The Grotta Azzurra, or the Blue Cave, is famous for its clear blue water and for the magical way sunlight reflecting off the limestone illuminates it with a brilliant blue hue, much like it happens in Capri's Blue Grotto. The clarity and color of the water, combined with the cave's geological forma- tions, make it an exceptional spot for photography and sightseeing. Just like the Grotta delle Rondinelle, the Grotta Azzurra is a highlight of many guided boat tours, which provide detailed com- mentary on the cave's forma- tion and history, allowing vis- itors to appreciate the blue light effect up close. The calm waters make it an ideal spot for a refreshing swim, too. Grotta Ardito and Grotta delle Monache (Nuns' Cave) This cave is known for its impressive size and the intri- cate steps carved out of silica rock leading down to it. Inside, it is spacious with natural for- mations that add to its grandeur . Grotta Ardito holds sig- nificant historical value, with remnants of ancient Roman artifacts indicating that the cave and surrounding area were part of a Roman settle- ment. Last but not least, we have the Grotta delle Monache, or Nuns' Cave, the one with, perhaps, the most curious name of all. It comes from the fact that, once upon a time nuns used to go swimming there because of how secluded it was: away from prying eyes, they could enjoy some well-de- served relaxation in the crys- talline waters of the Apulian sea. FRANCESCA BEZZONE Polignano a Mare and its many, beautiful caves ALL AROUND ITALY TRAVEL TIPS DESTINATIONS ACTIVITIES The sun sets on Polignano (Photo: Emicristea/Dreamstime) Ristorante Grotta Palazzese is carved out of the Palazzese Cave (Photo: Gregory Payan/Dreamstime)

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