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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 22 L'Italo-Americano I nsalata di riso is a quintessential Italian summer dish, a ver- satile meal that can be customized with a myriad of ingredients. Trac- ing its exact origins can be challenging, however, its roots likely extend to ancient China, where rice had long been a dietary staple, often consumed cold with vegeta- bles, fish, and meat. One of the earliest record- e d I t a l i a n r i c e s a l a d recipes appears in a 16th- century culinary treatise by an anonymous chef, possibly f r o m P a d u a . T h i s r e c i p e described a cold rice dish cooked in broth and milk, a common practice for cereal preparation at the time. T h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n region, with its rich history of grain-based salads like bulgur, couscous, and barley, also significantly influenced rice salad, with all these tra- ditions blended with local Italian practices, giving rise to numerous variations. Rice b e c a m e k n o w n t o t h e Mediterranean peoples after t h e c o n q u e s t o f A s i a b y Alexander the Great, later being cultivated in Egypt and Spain during the Arab colo- nization. By the 20th century, rice salad had become a staple in I t a l i a n c u i s i n e . T h e d i s h gained popularity due to its simplicity and adaptability, which allowed it to be pre- pared with whatever ingredi- e n t s w e r e a v a i l a b l e . T h i s made it especially popular in post-war Italy, where eco- nomic constraints often dic- tated culinary choices. Ital- ian companies like Saclà b e g a n m a s s - p r o d u c i n g ready-to-eat versions and condiments for rice salad, making it more convenient. M a n y d e l i c i o u s v e r - sions The beauty of rice salad lies in its flexibility. From health-conscious options to indulgent versions, there is really a recipe for every taste. Traditionally, various types of rice can be used, such as Ribe, Carnaroli, Arborio, or Baldo, which should be added to boiling water and c o o k e d a s p e r p a c k a g e i n s t r u c t i o n s o r s l i g h t l y underdone for an al dente t e x t u r e . O n c e c o o k e d , i t should be drained and rinsed under cold water. C l a s s i c r i c e s a l a d includes vegetables, cheese, deli meats, eggs, and tuna. Common choices are mor- t a d e l l a , c o o k e d h a m , o r w ü r s t e l f o r m e a t s , a n d cheeses like fontina for a mild taste or emmental and provolone for a stronger fla- vor. Mozzarella can also be a good choice. Essential veg- etables include boiled peas, pickles, pearl onions, bell peppers, and fresh tomatoes. Everything is finely chopped and mixed with oil-packed tuna and hard-boiled eggs. The salad is combined in a large bowl, with extra-virgin olive oil and salt added just before serving. A recent article published online on the Eataly website presented a series of lovely and creative insalata di riso options. The Mediter- ranean rice salad, for exam- ple, is very similar to the basic recipe described above, with the addition of thinly sliced red onions, and black olives, while the herb and grilled vegetable rice salad, presented in the same blog post, mixes grilled zucchini and eggplant, along with a m e d l e y o f c h o p p e d h e r b s s u c h a s m i n t , s a g e , r o s e - mary, basil, oregano, and t h y m e . T h e a d d i t i o n o f lemon zest, olive oil, and a pinch of salt enhances the freshness of the herbs, creat- i n g a l i g h t a n d a r o m a t i c salad perfect for summer days. For those seeking a more exotic flavor, the smoked salmon, mango, and peas rice salad offers an interest- ing contrast. A more luxuri- o u s v e r s i o n i n c l u d e s blanched zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, and asparagus tips combined with a saffron cream made from reserved rice cooking water and robio- la cheese. Seafood lovers can try the octopus, celery, and olive rice salad and, for a more adventurous combina- tion, the mozzarella, plums, and carrot rice salad offers a surprising blend of flavors. Gourmet Inspirations A r e c e n t s t u d y b y t h e P o l l i C o o k i n g L a b , a n observatory on food trends b y t h e T u s c a n c o m p a n y Fratelli Polli, highlighted the trend of gourmet rice sal- ads, made with novel ingre- dient pairings. In an article by Cristina Gambarini of La Cucina Italiana, a series of recipes by famous Italian chefs were presented, each incorporating local ingredi- ents and culinary traditions. In Liguria, Chef Salva- tore Perrone of the Caril- l o n r e s t a u r a n t i n S a n t a Margherita Ligure creates a g o u r m e t r i c e s a l a d u s i n g local products: he combines Carnaroli and Venere rice for t h e i r t e x t u r e a n d a r o m a , with fresh seasonal vegeta- b l e s a n d t h e r e g i o n ' s r e n o w n e d r a w S a n t a Margherita shrimp, all amal- gamated with burrata and garnished with cherry toma- toes and Pra basil. On the Romagna Riviera, Chef Anacleto Cavina of Bagno Holiday Village in Milano Marittima offers a sweet-and-sour version with Basmati rice — preferred for its compatibility with spices — poppy leaves, delicate avo- cado, crunchy vegetables, curry shrimp, and berries for a sophisticated flavor profile. F u r t h e r d o w n t h e Tyrrhenian coast, Chef Gio- vanni Romano of Bagno Belmare in Punta Ala incor- porates his Campanian roots into his creation. The insoli- ta di riso features a journey a c r o s s I t a l y a n d E u r o p e , starting with cherry toma- toes from Vesuvio, anchovies from Cetara, and Provolone del Monaco from Sorrento, blended with Thaibonnet r i c e f r o m M a r e m m a , a n d ending with edible flowers. In Tuscany, Chef Cesare Lazzeri of Nikki Beach Ver- silia in Marina di Pietrasanta presents a rice salad with rice, farro, steamed mussels, yellow and red cherry toma- toes, peas, grilled calamari, and Viareggio shrimp, all e n h a n c e d w i t h g i n g e r - infused crunchy vegetables. Similarly, Chef Deborah Corsi of La Perla del Mare in San Vincenzo prepares a sotto l'ombrellone rice salad with raw seafood, pickled vegetables, and burrata, cre- ating a balanced and colour- ful dish. I n S i c i l y , M i c h e l i n - s t a r r e d C h e f P i e t r o D'Agostino of La Capinera in Taormina offers a salad with wild rice, diced vegeta- bles, mint, lemon, orange zest, and snail eggs, provid- ing a fresh and mineral-rich taste ideal for beachside con- sumption. Insalata di riso: a versatile summer staple with endless possibilities LUCA SIGNORINI A traditional rice salad with tuna, tomatoes, peas and gherkins (Photo: DUSAN ZIDAR/Shutterstock) LA BUONA TAVOLA RECIPES COOKING TIPS SEASONAL DISHES OPEN 8AM - 5PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY. SUNDAY CLOSED

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