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THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 18 L'Italo-Americano T he Italian word entrambi (en- tram-bee) trans- lates to "both" in E n g l i s h a n d i s used to refer to two people or things considered togeth- er. At its heart is the cool i d e a o f b e i n g t o g e t h e r o r s h a r i n g s o m e t h i n g , s o w e like to think it's a nice and inclusive word! J u s t a s y o u c e r t a i n l y expect from an Italian word, entrambi, too, derives from L a t i n , m o r e s p e c i f i c a l l y f r o m t h e e x p r e s s i o n i n t e r ambos, meaning "between both" which emphasizes the notion of two entities being i n c l u d e d o r c o n s i d e r e d together. Its use dates back t o t h e 1 3 t h c e n t u r y , a s demonstrated by the works of the Italian poet Torqua- to Tasso , who wrote, già lassi erano entrambi, mean- i n g " a l r e a d y b o t h w e r e weary." In contemporary Italian, entrambi is used to indicate that two subjects or objects are included or affected by an action or situation, as in abbiamo entrambi passato l ' e s a m e a p i e n i v o t i ( " w e both passed the exams with full marks"). 1 (he/she) makes; 2 (I) have 5 you, to you 7 (feminine plural of) hard 8 (you/voi) use 11 (I) love; hook (for fishing) 14 battery 15 (I) wash 18 on the 20 museum 22 wave 23 the (before certain conso- nants); him 24 the 25 if Using the provided meanings as clues, search for the appropriate Italian word in the grid 1 rivers 3 (he/she) hears 4 three 6 (he/she) has 9 sun 10 tea 11 bees 12 homes; houses 13 with the 16 (he/she) wants 17 on; up 19 (feminine of) a, an 20 never 21 yes It is important to note that entrambi is the mascu- line form, used when refer- r i n g t o t w o m a s c u l i n e nouns or a mixed-gender pair. Conversely, entrambe is the feminine form, used exclusively with two femi- n i n e n o u n s . S o w e s a y , e n t r a m b i i r a g a z z i s o n o andati al parco, meaning " b o t h b o y s w e n t t o t h e park," and Marco e Laura sono entrambi di Venezia ("Marco and Laura are both from Venice"). Entrambe, on the other hand, is used for feminine p a i r s , a s i n e n t r a m b e l e r a g a z z e s o n o a n d a t e a l parco, meaning "both girls went to the park." Ho visitato entrambi i musei durante il mio viag- gio a Roma I visited both museums during my trip to Rome E n t r a m b i g l i s t u d e n t i h a n n o s u p e r a t o l ' e s a m e con ottimi voti Both students passed the exam with excellent grades Entrambi concordiamo s u l l ' i m p o r t a n z a d e l l a sostenibilità ambientale W e b o t h a g r e e o n t h e importance of environmen- tal sustainability LA VITA ITALIANA TRADITIONS HISTORY CULTURE Entrambi, a word for both of us! (Photo: Martinmark/Dreamstime) 1 heart 2 to hold 3 door 4 head 5 hand 6 two 7 home 8 shirt 9 book 10 to look 11 to drink 12 mother 13 boy 14 river 15 friend 16 father 17 man 18 to eat 19 three A C R O S S D O W N ITALIAN WORD SEARCH The solution to these word games will be available on the next edition. Games courtesy of Lexis Rex

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