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THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 18 L'Italo-Americano T he Italian expres- sion perché mai (pehr-kai mah-ee) is a versatile idiom u s e d t o c o n v e y surprise, disbelief, or skepti- cism. Literally translated as "why ever" or "why on earth," it often appears in rhetorical questions or exclamations, emphasizing incredulity or seeking further explanation. It adds emotional depth and color to conversations, making it a frequently used phrase in everyday Italian speech. Perché mai combines two w o r d s : p e r c h é ( m e a n i n g "why" or "for what reason") a n d m a i ( w h i c h c a n m e a n "ever" or "never," depending on context). Perché is a com- b i n a t i o n o f p e r ( m e a n i n g " f o r " ) a n d c h e ( m e a n i n g "what" or "that"); its etymolo- gy traces back to Latin, where similar constructions like per quid or pro quid were used to ask "for what reason" or "why" which, over time, evolved into the Italian perché. Mai also d e r i v e s f r o m L a t i n , m o r e specifically from the word magis, meaning "more" or "greater." This combination forms a powerful expression that questions actions or deci- sions with a tone of disbelief or curiosity. From an historical point of 1 (she) exits 3 egg 7 with the 8 smells; (you/tu) smell 9 (you/tu) begin 13 dreams; (you/tu) dream 15 for 16 hatred 17 wax Using the provided meanings as clues, search for the appropriate Italian word in the grid 1 (you/tu) exit; (you/tu) out 2 neck 4 gold 5 (he) hates 6 police 10 goats 11 bone 12 herb; grass 14 (a plural form of) the view, perché mai is thought t o h a v e e v o l v e d d u r i n g medieval times, influenced b y d i a l e c t s a n d t h e L a t i n expressions used in that peri- od . Perché mai is informal and often used in spoken Italian; for many, it reflects a cultural tendency toward skepticism and curiosity, typ- ical of Italian conversation. For example, one might use perché mai when surprised b y s o m e o n e ' s a c t i o n s , a s in: Perché mai hai comprato quella macchina? ("Why on earth did you buy that car?"). The tone indicates that the speaker is seeking an expla- nation but also expressing disbelief or shock. Perché mai is also used when questioning outcomes or expectations. For instance, Perché mai dovresti preoccu- parti? ("Why ever should you worry?") implies that there is n o r e a s o n f o r c o n c e r n , t h o u g h i t i n v i t e s f u r t h e r explanation. Perché mai dovrei cam- biare lavoro? W h y o n e a r t h s h o u l d I change jobs? H a i l a s c i a t o l a p o r t a aperta? Perché mai! You left the door open? Why ever! Perché mai non mi hai detto la verità? LA VITA ITALIANA TRADITIONS HISTORY CULTURE Perché mai: the expression of Italian disbelief! (Photo: Photographerlondon/Dreamstime) 1 friend 2 son 3 to turn 4 light 5 man 6 book 7 to eat 8 home 9 mother 10 Tuesday 11 three 12 two 13 hand 14 to listen 15 woman A C R O S S D O W N ITALIAN WORD SEARCH The solution to these word games will be available on the next edition. Games courtesy of Lexis Rex

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