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THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 30 L'Italo-Americano V a n i t y F a i r Italia recently h i g h l i g h t e d s o m e o f t h e b e s t c i t i e s i n Italy for digital nomads, as identified by SumUp. Their selection was based on key f a c t o r s s u c h a s i n t e r n e t speed, cost of living, and local amenities, all of which a r e e s s e n t i a l n o t o n l y t o work efficiently but also to s t r i k e a g o o d b a l a n c e between work and personal experiences. T h e r i s e o f d i g i t a l nomads worldwide, espe- cially after the COVID-19 pandemic, has led Italy to introduce a special Digital Nomad Visa, making the country a desirable option f o r r e m o t e w o r k e r s f r o m outside the EU. This visa, as we discussed in one of our articles a few months ago, allows non-EU professionals to live and work remotely in Italy. More specifically, the D i g i t a l N o m a d V i s a i s designed to attract highly skilled professionals who work remotely using tech- nology in a variety of fields, including consulting, mar- keting, design, and software development. The visa was introduced as part of Italy's broader push to modernize its economy and allows qual- ified individuals to stay in t h e c o u n t r y f o r u p t o 1 2 months, with a possibility for extension. Among its advan- t a g e s , t h e r e i s a l s o t h e opportunity for family reuni- fication, meaning applicants can bring close family mem- bers with them. T o q u a l i f y , a p p l i c a n t s must meet specific criteria, such as proving they have a r e m o t e j o b o r b u s i n e s s , d e m o n s t r a t i n g s u f f i c i e n t f i n a n c i a l r e s o u r c e s , a n d showing they have adequate health insurance. The visa program also aims to facili- t a t e c u l t u r a l e x c h a n g e s , boost local economies, and enhance Italy's position as a hub for tech-savvy remote workers. In this effort, Italy joins countries like Portugal, Spain, and Croatia, which h a v e a l s o c r e a t e d D i g i t a l Nomad Visas to become part of the growing trend of digi- tal nomad-friendly nations in Europe. Time to go back to our Vanity Fair article and see w h a t s u g g e s t i o n s i t g a v e about where in the country digital nomads are going to make the most of their Ital- ian experience. Starting from the North- west, the first place suggest- ed is elegant and beautiful Turin. Known for its history and timeless charm, Turin has also become one of the leading cities in Italy for dig- ital nomads, thanks to its high-level connectivity and tech-friendly environment. Its rich cultural history, com- bined with relatively afford- able housing, makes it ideal f o r r e m o t e w o r k e r s w h o want to immerse themselves i n I t a l y ' s u r b a n l i f e s t y l e while staying connected. Moving on to the Ligurian c o a s t w e f i n d C a m o g l i , which offers stunning sea views and a variety of co- working spaces. Camogli is a l s o k n o w n f o r b e i n g a n i n c l u s i v e t o w n , a n d w a s recently recognized for its accessibility initiatives with the Bandiera Lilla award, making it a top destination f o r p r o f e s s i o n a l s s e e k i n g both relaxation and commu- nity. Further east of Liguria, we encounter Parma, which stands out for its safety and s t r o n g p u b l i c s e r v i c e s , including excellent health- care and education. It was also named a UNESCO Cre- ative City for Gastronomy, which means it's definitely the place to be if you are a buona forchetta! For those enamored with the Alps and fairytale-like atmospheres, Bolzano is probably the best choice. The Alto Adige city consistently ranks as one of the best in Italy for quality of life and its mountain views, efficient p u b l i c s e r v i c e s , a n d h i g h rates of female employment make it a particularly wel- coming destination. Let's move to Tuscany, m o r e s p e c i f i c a l l y , t o UNESCO site Castiglione D'Orcia, which is ideal for those who crave serenity and natural beauty. With a range of smart working packages that include accommodation and access to local experi- e n c e s , i t h a s b e c o m e a hotspot for those seeking b o t h p r o d u c t i v i t y a n d immersion in local culture. Always in the center of the country, we find Orvieto, known for its stunning land- scapes and historical signifi- cance; recently, the town has invested in creating interna- t i o n a l a r t w o r k i n g h u b s , equipped with digital ser- vices and high-speed inter- n e t , a t t r a c t i n g a g r o w i n g number of remote workers. If you like the friendly and colorful atmosphere of the Italian South, then head to B a r i , w h i c h h a s r a p i d l y developed its digital infra- structure, making it a great s p o t f o r r e m o t e w o r k . Besides, the city boasts one of the best air qualities in the country, and offers a rela- tively low cost of living; it also has a burgeoning tech s c e n e , w h i c h c a n m a k e i t quite appealing for digital nomads working in the field. In Sicily, you can work r e m o t e l y i n C a t a n i a , f a m o u s f o r i t s U N E S C O World Heritage-listed archi- tecture, but also for its lively nightlife, delectable food, and its array of co-working spaces. In Sardinia, Cagliari offers beautiful natural land- scapes and easy access to some of Italy's best beaches. The city also ranks high for climate and cost of living, making it perfect for digital nomads who want a balance between work and leisure. Of course, while the list proposed by Vanity Fair is interesting and can be help- ful in getting on to the right path if you are planning to apply for a Digital Nomad V i s a , i t i s f a r f r o m b e i n g e x h a u s t i v e . I t a l y o f f e r s a unique combination of mod- ern digital infrastructure and c u l t u r a l a t t r a c t i o n s a b i t everywhere and, if it is true t h a t c i t i e s m a y b e b e t t e r when it comes to access to services, one shouldn't dis- count the beauty of working in rural areas, where the cost of living is lower and the serene environment can be t h e m o s t e f f e c t i v e a n t i - stress. As more people, especially among the younger genera- t i o n s , h a v e b e e n m a k i n g remote work their new pro- f e s s i o n a l n o r m a l i t y , i t i s important to make sure that Italy can effectively cater to such a growing workforce: from what we found out in t h i s a r t i c l e , i t s e e m s t h e country is on the right track! Digital nomads in Italy: here are the best places to fully enjoy the experience CHIARA D'ALESSIO Camogli at sunset (Photo: Aleh Varanishcha/Dreamstime). Bottom left: a digital nomad visa would allow you to work anywhere in Italy (Photo: Kaspars Grinvalds/Dreamstime) LIFE PEOPLE REVIEWS ADVICE TRADITIONS

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