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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2024 22 L'Italo-Americano A s the fall settles in, shifting to a diet that follows s e a s o n a l c h a n g e s i s a simple way to boost well- being. And when your start- ing point is the Mediter- ranean Diet, long praised for its health benefits, the job is going to be easy and tasty. Built on local, plant-based ingredients and rich in whole foods, this approach is not only nutritious but sustain- able. Let's explore how to adapt the Mediterranean Diet for fall, focusing on ways it supports immunity, keeps energy, and promotes overall health. T h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n Diet: a mix of balance and variety A s w e a l l k n o w , t h e Mediterranean Diet is largely based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and olive oil—ingredients deeply connected to the culi- n a r y p r a c t i c e s o f r e g i o n s along the Mediterranean Sea. Unlike restrictive diets, the M e d i t e r r a n e a n a p p r o a c h e n c o u r a g e s a b a l a n c e o f h e a l t h y f a t s , p l a n t - b a s e d foods, and moderate portions of fish, poultry, and dairy. Its seasonal focus also pro- m o t e s e a t i n g l o c a l f o o d s . Accor ding to nutr itionist Giada Magionesi, inter- viewed by Angela Altomare for La Cucina Italiana, the Mediterranean diet's empha- sis on nutrient-dense plant foods and heart-healthy fats offers essential anti-inflam- matory and cardiovascular benefits. Packed with fiber and antioxidants, it helps manage metabolic condi- tions, supports gut health, and even benefits cognitive health over time. Autumn fruits and veg- etables: nutrition in sea- son Fall brings a variety of fruits and vegetables that can be easily incorporated into a Mediterranean-inspired diet. Apples and pears are plen- tiful and packed with fiber and vitamin C, both of which are beneficial for digestion and immune health. They can be enjoyed fresh, as part of a salad, or roasted with spices for a warm dessert. Another iconic fall fruit, pomegranate, adds a burst of tartness to the table, and is known for its antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, which help reduce inflamma- tion. Pomegranate seeds can be tossed into salads or used as a topping for roasted veg- etables, adding both color and nutrients. Pumpkins and squash- es are ideal due to their ver- satility and health benefits: rich in beta-carotene and fiber, these vegetables sup- port immune function and eye health. Roasting pumpkin with a touch of olive oil and herbs makes for a comforting side dish, while blending it into soups offers a heartier meal for colder days. In Italy, pumpkin risotto is a popular seasonal option that com- bines the creamy texture of rice with the nutrient-dense qualities of pumpkin. Whole grains for com- forting meals Whole grains, an essen- tial part of the Mediterranean d i e t , b e c o m e e s p e c i a l l y appealing in autumn. Options like barley and farro are versatile, fiber-rich, support digestion and provide steady energy. A grain salad with roasted seasonal vegetables or a bowl of barley soup with herbs creates a nourishing meal that is both filling and easy on the digestive system. Legumes, such as lentils, beans, and chickpeas, are other staples that become even more appealing in cool- er weather. Lentil soup, for i n s t a n c e , p r o v i d e s p l a n t - based protein, fiber, and iron, supporting energy levels and muscle health. Prepared with seasonal vegetables, it offers both warmth and nutrition. Healthy fats: olive oil is always in season Olive oil is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, known for its heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. As colder months often bring a desire for richer, warm foods, pairing olive oil with ingredi- ents high in fat-soluble vita- mins, like vitamin A found in squash and carrots, enhances nutrient absorption. Alterna- tive sources of healthy fats include avocados and nuts, such as almonds and wal- nuts, which add variety and provide additional nutrients. These fats are essential in helping the body absorb fat- soluble vitamins found in autumn vegetables, support- ing both immune health and energy levels as the days grow shorter. Health benefits Embracing the Mediter- ranean diet during autumn can provide health benefits, too. Autumn's seasonal fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in immune-boosting nutrients: pomegranates, citrus fruits, and squashes c o n t a i n v i t a m i n C , a k e y antioxidant that aids immune function, while fiber-rich foods like legumes and whole grains support gut health, which plays a vital role in immunity. Heart health is another a r e a w h e r e t h e M e d i t e r - ranean diet shines, especially in the cooler months. Olive o i l , n u t s , a n d s e e d s h e l p reduce cholesterol levels and minimize the risk of heart disease. Recent studies con- tinue to underscore the car- diovascular benefits of the Mediterranean diet, includ- i n g i t s p o t e n t i a l t o l o w e r blood pressure and reduce inflammation, both of which are crucial for heart health. This is particularly beneficial a s p e o p l e t e n d t o b e l e s s active in the cooler months, and a heart-friendly diet can help balance these effects. A Mediterranean diet can also improve mood and ener- g y l e v e l s . M a n y s e a s o n a l Mediterranean ingredients are rich in B vitamins and magnesium, which play roles in mood regulation and ener- gy production. Foods like legumes, whole grains, and nuts are high in these nutri- ents, which are especially helpful for combating the lower energy and mood shifts that can occur with shorter daylight hours. LUCA SIGNORINI Olive oil and healthy fats are excellent for our health and the Mediterranean diet is rich in them (Travelbook/ Dreamstime) LA BUONA TAVOLA RECIPES COOKING TIPS SEASONAL DISHES OPEN 8AM - 5PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY. SUNDAY CLOSED The Mediterranean Diet in the fall: seasonal eating for health and well-being