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CIX• N. 10 • THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2017 • GIOVEDÌ 18 MAGGIO 2017 FACEBOOK.COM/ITALOAMERICANONEWSPAPER italoamericano.org $ 2.25 D ATE D MATE RI AL - D O NO T D E LAY Rites, Magic and Mysteries of Naples M agic, mystery, a thirst for wonders and for the unknown, and a pagan sun-religion. Naples metabolizes three thousand years of culture and civilization, spread out over a corner of the Mediterranean that tells the story of Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, Normans, Saracens, Spaniards, and French. An ambiguous nature FRANCESCA GRAZIANO Founded in 1908 Published by L'Italo American Foundation The #1 source for all things Italian since 1908 616 Foothill Blvd #D Monrovia, CA 91016 - Tel: (626) 359-7715 . . .. . .. . . . . . LOS ANGELES "Starring Europe" Film Festival Page 28 LIFE & PEOPLE Valeria Orani's "Umanism" Agency Page 10 ALL AROUND ITALY The Bikini girls of Piazza Armerina Page 16 LA BUONA TAVOLA Schiacciata (ski-yah-cha-ta) Page 34 Innovativo Creativo Italiano PG.12 envelops Naples, however won- derful in color and climate it might be, for thundering within the bowels of the earth is the mysterious fury of the volcano and the earthquakes that in the past have buried entire nations. For this very reason, in order to appease the sudden fury of nature, friends and enemies, pagan rituals and ancient magic, must coexist and be handed down through the spirit of the people by means of enchant- Decoding Venice's hidden history right under your feet The pleasure of writing, Italian style: the history of Aurora fountain pens PG. 18 PG. 8 PG. 7 PG. 6 IN ITALIANO L'Italo Americano Naples and its surrounding territory are a land of contradictions where the thirst for wonder and magic, the unknown and the curious blend with the seductive sun-religion of the pagans. Photo from "One Day in Naples" Exhibit by Flavia Loreto TRAVEL LIFE & PEOPLE LA VITA ITALIANA racconta la storia di Greci, Romani, Cartaginesi, Normanni, Saraceni, Spagnoli, Francesi. Una natura ambigua la avvol- ge, anche se meravigliosa nei colori e nel clima, perché cova nelle sue viscere la furia recondita del vulcano e dei terremoti che nel passato hanno seppellito interi paesi. Proprio per questo, per pla- care le furie improvvise della natura, amica e nemica, i riti pagani e la magia antica convivo- no e si tramandano nello spirito M agia, mistero, sete di meraviglia e di ignoto e una religiosità pagana, solare. Napoli metabolizza tremila anni di culture e civiltà, spalmate in un angolo di Mediterraneo che Riti, magie e misteri di Napoli: il miracolo del suo fascino millenario

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