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L'Italo-Americano THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 4 I 'll be honest, there aren't many artists in the world of pho- tography who man- a g e t o c a p t u r e t h e e s s e n c e o f a m o m e n t a s evocatively as Marco Sec- chi. A maestro with the cam- era, Marco's journey in pho- tography began when he was a child in Milan, a city alive with the rhythm of the press and fashion. Today, his art t r a n s c e n d s b o r d e r s a n d flourishes in places as beau- t i f u l a n d f a s c i n a t i n g a s L j u b l j a n a ( S l o v e n i a ) , Budapest, (Hungary), and our Venezia. His work is an artistic, thoughtful reflection of a narrative that captures n o t i m a g e s , b u t s t o r i e s : that's why Marco likes - and rightly so - to call himself a "storyteller." And as all good s t o r y t e l l e r s , s h a r i n g i s essential for him, reason for w h i c h h e a l s o d e v e l o p e d photography workshops in Venice, for all those who w a n t t o l e a r n h o w t o t e l l their story with pictures - and get to know La Serenis- sima better while doing it. I n o u r e x c l u s i v e i n t e r - view, we of L'Italo Ameri- c a n o are going to take a c l o s e r l o o k i n t o M a r c o ' s world and explore his love for photography, the cities and places that have shaped his art, and his relationship with Italy. He'll tell us about his life as a global citizen, his thoughts on the future of art in the age of AI, and also what he thinks of La Far- nesina's Roots Tourism ini- tiative. How was your love for photography born and when did you decide to t u r n i t i n t o a p r o f e s - sion? My love for photography began in the busy streets of Milan, in the dynamic world of press and fashion photog- r a p h y . G r o w i n g u p , m y father used to work in one of Milan's oldest photographic shops, a hub that catered to the creative needs of pho- tographers during the late 1960s and early 1970s. This u n i q u e e n v i r o n m e n t e x p o s e d m e t o t h e a r t o f photography at a time when owning a camera was a rari- t y . I f o n d l y r e m e m b e r receiving my first camera around the age of 9 or 10. To me, it wasn't a toy at all, it was a gateway to a world of endless possibilities. With it, while growing up, I discov- ered the streets of Milan, the d e p t h o f h u m a n e x p r e s - sions, the untold stories of everyday life. Turning pho- tography into a profession wasn't a sudden decision, but a natural progression of this early love affair: the more I explored the world through my lens, the more I realized that photography was a calling; it was a medi- um through which I could express my artistic vision and connect with people and places on a deeper level. This year, Italy is pro- m o t i n g R o o t T o u r i s m a n d i n v i t e s p e o p l e o f Italian descent from all over the world to visit and discover their her- itage: as someone who has lived abroad and is very much a citizen of the world, what's your r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h o u r country? My relationship with Italy remains deep and profound- ly affectionate. Italy, to me, is much more than the place I was born: she is history, culture, and timeless beauty, and she continues to influ- ence and inspire me. Living a b r o a d a n d e x p e r i e n c i n g diverse cultures has only deepened my appreciation for Italy because it allowed me to see the country not just through the lens of a native but also through the e y e s o f a n o u t s i d e r . T h i s unique perspective makes me value Italian culture in all its forms, from its rich artistic and literary heritage to its culinary delights and the warmth of its people. I do feel an affinity with the idea of "Root Tourism." It's a beautiful initiative that encourages people to con- nect with their heritage. For those of Italian descent, vis- iting Italy can be a journey Frames of Italy: discovering beauty in every shot FRANCESCA BEZZONE NEWS & FEATURES TOP STORIES PEOPLE EVENTS The real Venice, as seen through the eyes and camera of Marco Secchi (Photo courtesy of Marco Secchi) CONTINUED TO PAGE 6

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