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THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2024 www.italoamericano.org 10 L'Italo-Americano T h e R e t e d e l l e Città Medievali Italiane is a sig- nificant collabo- r a t i o n b e t w e e n various municipalities across Italy, all unified by a com- mon goal: to showcase and promote their medieval her- i t a g e . T h i s i n i t i a t i v e , with Viterbo at the fore- front, wants to highlight the architectural beauty and his- torical depth of its member cities, as well as to create an immersive tourism experi- ence for all visitors interest- ed in history, architecture, and culture. Key to this effort is the partnership with the Italian N a t i o n a l T o u r i s m A g e n c y ( E N I T ) , w h i c h h i g h l i g h t s t h e s t r a t e g i c importance of the medieval p e r i o d i n I t a l y ' s b r o a d e r t o u r i s m n a r r a t i v e . T h e a g e n c y ' s i n v o l v e m e n t e n s u r e s t h e c r e a t i o n o f strong promotional strate- gies and the development of tourism products catering specifically to people inter- e s t e d i n t h e M i d d l e Ages. Renato Chiti, desti- nation manager of Medieval Italy, an ambitious destina- tion marketing project that aims to enhance and support the networking of the most b e a u t i f u l a n d a u t h e n t i c m e d i e v a l p l a c e s i n I t a l y , declared to Arte News that "this partnership is of funda- mental importance to make the Middle Ages accessible and popular through high- level historical events and reenactments. The tourism of traditions is an opportuni- ty to showcase the specifici- ties and peculiarities of each t e r r i t o r y i n v o l v e d . " E n i t advisor Sandro Pappalar- do adds that his institution w a n t s t o " h i g h l i g h t t h e authenticity and uniqueness of each involved territory. Data indicates increasing interest in inland regions and historical reenactments. T h i s p r o j e c t p r o v i d e s a n opportunity to capitalize on this trend." T h e n e t w o r k b r i n g s t o g e t h e r c i t i e s k n o w n f o r t h e i r w e l l - p r e s e r v e d medieval structures, tradi- tions, and histories: from historic reenactments that breathe life into ancient tra- ditions to festivals celebrat- ing the medieval spirit, the network offers a year-round calendar of events designed to engage and educate visi- tors. Viterbo's role as the lead city in this initiative is piv- o t a l : k n o w n f o r i t s r i c h medieval heritage, including its well-preserved historical center and the Papal Palace, V i t e r b o e x e m p l i f i e s t h e blend of cultural richness and historical depth that the network aims to promote. Its leadership in coordinating activities and events across the network underscores a strong commitment to pre- s e r v i n g a n d c e l e b r a t i n g Italy's medieval history. Through this newly-creat- ed network, Italy wants to showcase its historical and cultural treasures but also reinforce its position as a premier destination for cul- tural tourism on the global s t a g e . I n d e e d , h i s t o r i c a l tourism, which is already very relevant for the country, has been enjoying a rise in interest, especially among foreign tourists, as Daniele Sabatini, councilor of the L a z i o R e g i o n , e x p l a i n e d always to Arte News, say- ing that "the Middle Ages represent an attractive ele- ment also for international tourists." F u r t h e r m o r e , S a b a t i n i stressed that "the agreement with Enit and the creation of the network will bring more resources to enhance histori- cal reenactments, creating a virtuous circle that will ben- efit both local communities a n d v i s i t o r s . " I n d e e d , t h e R e t e d e l l e C i t t à Medievali Italiane wants to h a r n e s s a n d p r o m o t e t h e r i c h m e d i e v a l h e r i t a g e a c r o s s i t s m e m b e r c i t i e s through a unified marketing and promotional strategy. T h i s n e t w o r k , w h i c h includes places like Pistoia, Prato, Fucecchio, Viterbo, and Volterra, among many o t h e r s , e m p h a s i z e s t h e i r w e l l - p r e s e r v e d m e d i e v a l architecture, traditions, and history. The collaboration extends to the organization of medieval festivals, fairs, and reenactments that show the historical and cultural life of these areas and want to attract tourists keen on experiencing their cultural and historical richness first- hand. For instance, the vil- lage of Marliana, which is part of the network, is dedi- cated to reviving medieval m u s i c a n d d a n c e s , w h i l e P i s t o i a c e l e b r a t e s the Giostra dell'Orso (Joust of the Bear) on July 25th, marking a day of festivities in honor of the patron saint St. James, with knights com- peting for a prized tapestry . , which is also part of the network, offers a full dive into the medieval era w i t h i t s a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d city-wide festivals. Volter- r a A D 1 3 9 8 i s a u n i q u e event that brings the city back to medieval times, with craftspeople, taverns, and entertainers offering a taste of life in the past. This event is part of a broader year-long offering that includes food, art, music, theater, and cul- t u r a l f e s t i v a l s i n t h e Valdicecina area in Tuscany. Critical in this context will be the creation of a law to regulate historical reen- actments around the coun- t r y , a s E l e o n o r a P a c e , c o u n c i l o r o f t h e U m b r i a region, explains: "This law will be crucial to provide a clear regulatory framework a n d a n a t i o n a l r e f e r e n c e model for activities related to historical reenactments." She concludes by explaining that the law will allow to "make a qualitative leap in the promotion and protec- tion of our historical and cultural heritage." The creation of the Rete delle Città Medievali Ital- iane offers a strategic way to improve local economies by attracting tourists interested in Italy's medieval past. By emphasizing the medieval era as a core theme in cul- tural and touristic program- ming, it ingeniously brings together historical experi- ences with Italy's contempo- rary tourism offerings: here the emphasis is on develop- ing a comprehensive events calendar and on leveraging digital platforms for effective promotion. This ensures that t h e n e t w o r k c a n c o n d u c t detailed research, plan effi- ciently, and execute sophisti- cated communication strate- gies aimed at enriching the traditional tourism experi- ence. Through such efforts, the initiative not only brings m o r e v i s i b i l i t y t o I t a l y ' s medieval heritage but also fosters a deeper appreciation of it among both locals and visitors, which can potential- ly ensure its preservation for future generations. T h e c h r i s t e n i n g o f t h e R e t e d e l l e C i t t à Medievali Italiane will take p l a c e t o m o r r o w , 2 2 n d o f March, in Viterbo, on the occasion of the sixth edition of the Festival dei Luoghi Medievali. FRANCESCA BEZZONE Italy's Medieval towns join forces in a new history and tourism network Volterra's skyline at sunset (Photo: Stevanzz/Dreamstime) ALL AROUND ITALY TRAVEL TIPS DESTINATIONS ACTIVITIES

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